Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
There are no labels in this set | 此集合中未有標記 | Details | |
Question theme has been successfully converted to the latest LimeSurvey version. | 問題主題已成功轉換為最新的 LimeSurvey 版本。 | Details | |
Question theme has been successfully converted to the latest LimeSurvey version. 問題主題已成功轉換為最新的 LimeSurvey 版本。
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Email language | 電子郵件語言 | Details | |
Email type | 電子郵件類型 | Details | |
Recipient | 接收者 | Details | |
View and resend failed email notifications | 檢視並重新發送失敗的電子郵件通知 | Details | |
View and resend failed email notifications 檢視並重新發送失敗的電子郵件通知
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Update failed, could not save. | 更新失敗,無法儲存。 | Details | |
No match could be found for selection | 未找到相符的選擇 | Details | |
Expiration date can't be lower than the start date | 到期日期不能早於開始日期 | Details | |
Expiration date can't be lower than the start date 到期日期不能早於開始日期
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The next step (editing the 'FILE=' line) is only necessary when you have selected a SPSS version without Python. If you selected the version for SPSS with the Python plugin / Essentials, just save the syntax and the data file in the same folder. If you use Python 3 you need to edit the syntax file: replace the line 'begin program.' with 'begin program PYTHON3.'. The full path will be automatically detected when you run the syntax. | 僅當您選擇了沒有 Python 的 SPSS 版本時,才需要下一步(編輯 'FILE=' 行)。若您選擇了帶有 Python 外掛程式/基本版的 SPSS 版本,僅需將語法與資料檔案儲存在同一資料夾中即可。若您使用 Python 3,則需要編輯語法檔案:替換行「開始程式」使用 「開始程式 PYTHON3.」。執行語法時,系統將自動檢測完整路徑。 | Details | |
The next step (editing the 'FILE=' line) is only necessary when you have selected a SPSS version without Python. If you selected the version for SPSS with the Python plugin / Essentials, just save the syntax and the data file in the same folder. If you use Python 3 you need to edit the syntax file: replace the line 'begin program.' with 'begin program PYTHON3.'. The full path will be automatically detected when you run the syntax. 僅當您選擇了沒有 Python 的 SPSS 版本時,才需要下一步(編輯 'FILE=' 行)。若您選擇了帶有 Python 外掛程式/基本版的 SPSS 版本,僅需將語法與資料檔案儲存在同一資料夾中即可。若您使用 Python 3,則需要編輯語法檔案:替換行「開始程式」使用 「開始程式 PYTHON3.」。執行語法時,系統將自動檢測完整路徑。
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Question help text position | 問題協助文本位置 | Details | |
The code of the answer option after which the 'Other:' option will be placed if the position is set to 'After specific answer option' | 若位置設定為「特定答案選項之後」,「其他:」選項將被放在該答案選項代碼之後 | Details | |
The code of the answer option after which the 'Other:' option will be placed if the position is set to 'After specific answer option' 若位置設定為「特定答案選項之後」,「其他:」選項將被放在該答案選項代碼之後
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Answer code for 'After specific answer option' | 「特定答案選項之後」的答案代碼 | Details | |
Answer code for 'After specific answer option' 「特定答案選項之後」的答案代碼
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Indicates where the 'Other' option should be placed | 指示應放置「其他」選項的位置 | Details | |
Indicates where the 'Other' option should be placed 指示應放置「其他」選項的位置
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Specify how array-filtered sub-questions should be displayed | 指定陣列篩選子問題的顯示方式 | Details | |
Specify how array-filtered sub-questions should be displayed 指定陣列篩選子問題的顯示方式
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