Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Responses | Odgovori | Details | |
Quotas | Kvote | Details | |
Assessments | Procene | Details | |
Passwords do not match! | Lozinke se ne podudaraju! | Details | |
Your survey was successfully saved. | Vaša anketa je uspešno sačuvana. | Details | |
Your survey was successfully saved. Vaša anketa je uspešno sačuvana.
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Error: Email failed, this may indicate a PHP Mail Setup problem on the server. Your survey details have still been saved, however you will not get an email with the details. You should note the "name" and "password" you just used for future reference. | Greška: Email nije poslat, što može biti indikator problema u podešavanju PHP Mail-a na serveru. Detalji Vaše ankete su ipak sačuvani, ali nećete dobiti email sa detaljima. Molimo, za buduću referencu, sačuvajte korisničko ime i lozinku ("name" i "password") koje ste upravo koristili. | Details | |
Error: Email failed, this may indicate a PHP Mail Setup problem on the server. Your survey details have still been saved, however you will not get an email with the details. You should note the "name" and "password" you just used for future reference. Greška: Email nije poslat, što može biti indikator problema u podešavanju PHP Mail-a na serveru. Detalji Vaše ankete su ipak sačuvani, ali nećete dobiti email sa detaljima. Molimo, za buduću referencu, sačuvajte korisničko ime i lozinku ("name" i "password") koje ste upravo koristili.
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This name has already been used for this survey. You must use a unique save name. | Ovaj naziv je već korišćen za ovu anketu. Za snimanje, morate koristiti jedinstveni naziv. | Details | |
This name has already been used for this survey. You must use a unique save name. Ovaj naziv je već korišćen za ovu anketu. Za snimanje, morate koristiti jedinstveni naziv.
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Moving user templates to new location at %s... | Pomeranje korisničkih šablona na novu lokaciju u %s... | Details | |
Moving user templates to new location at %s... Pomeranje korisničkih šablona na novu lokaciju u %s...
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Site name | Naziv sajta | Details | |
Table prefix | Prefiks tabele | Details | |
Database name | Naziv baze podataka | Details | |
Database type | Tip baze podataka | Details | |
Please verify the following information before continuing with the database upgrade: | Molimo Vas da proverite sledeću informaciju pre nastavka nadograđivanja baze podataka: | Details | |
Please verify the following information before continuing with the database upgrade: Molimo Vas da proverite sledeću informaciju pre nastavka nadograđivanja baze podataka:
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Database upgrade | Nadogradnja baze podataka | Details | |
Back to main menu | Povratak na glavni meni | Details | |
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