Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The question could not be added. You must enter at least enter a question code. | Nije bilo moguće dodati pitanje. Neophodno je da unesete barem kod pitanja. | Details | |
The question could not be added. You must enter at least enter a question code. Nije bilo moguće dodati pitanje. Neophodno je da unesete barem kod pitanja.
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Update scenario | Ažurirati scenario | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete this condition? | Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovaj uslov? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete this condition? Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovaj uslov?
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Delete all conditions | Izbrisati sve uslove | Details | |
Add and edit conditions | Dodati i promeniti uslove | Details | |
Show conditions for this question | Prikazati uslove za ovo pitanje | Details | |
Show conditions for this question Prikazati uslove za ovo pitanje
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Conditions designer | Dizajner uslova | Details | |
Check again | Proverite ponovo | Details | |
Note that you cannot undo a delete if you proceed. The data will be gone. | Imajte u vidu da ne možete poništite brisanje ako nastavite. Podaci će biti trajno izbrisani. | Details | |
Note that you cannot undo a delete if you proceed. The data will be gone. Imajte u vidu da ne možete poništite brisanje ako nastavite. Podaci će biti trajno izbrisani.
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Delete checked items! | Izbrisati obeležene stavke! | Details | |
The following old survey response tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: | Sledeće stare tabele odgovora na anketu postoje i mogu biti izbrisane ako više nisu potrebne: | Details | |
The following old survey response tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: Sledeće stare tabele odgovora na anketu postoje i mogu biti izbrisane ako više nisu potrebne:
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The redundancy check looks for tables leftover after deactivating a survey. You can delete these if you no longer require them. | Proverom redundantnosti traže se tabele koje su preostale nakon deaktiviranja ankete. Te tabele možete izbrisati ukoliko Vam više nisu potrebne. | Details | |
The redundancy check looks for tables leftover after deactivating a survey. You can delete these if you no longer require them. Proverom redundantnosti traže se tabele koje su preostale nakon deaktiviranja ankete. Te tabele možete izbrisati ukoliko Vam više nisu potrebne.
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Data redundancy check | Provera redundantnosti podataka | Details | |
Yes - Delete Them! | Da - Izbrisati ih! | Details | |
Should we proceed with the delete? | Da li nastaviti sa brisanjem? | Details | |
Should we proceed with the delete? Da li nastaviti sa brisanjem?
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