Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Output options | Opcije izlaza (autputa) | Details | |
Count stats for each question based only on the total number of responses for which the question was displayed | Izračunavanje statistike za svako pitanje bazirano samo na ukupnom broju odgovora za one za koje je pitanje prikazano | Details | |
Count stats for each question based only on the total number of responses for which the question was displayed Izračunavanje statistike za svako pitanje bazirano samo na ukupnom broju odgovora za one za koje je pitanje prikazano
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Include: | Uključiti: | Details | |
Export syntax | Izvesti sintaksu | Details | |
16 or up | 16 ili više | Details | |
SPSS version: | SPSS verzija: | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. | Trebalo bi da su Vaši podaci sada uvezeni, data.frame je nazvan "data", variable.labels su atributi podataka ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), kao za foreign:read.spss. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. Trebalo bi da su Vaši podaci sada uvezeni, data.frame je nazvan "data", variable.labels su atributi podataka ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), kao za foreign:read.spss.
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Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) | Sačuvati oba u R radni direktorijum (koristeći getwd() i setwd() u R komandnom prozoru kako biste došli do njega i podesili ga) | Details | |
Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) Sačuvati oba u R radni direktorijum (koristeći getwd() i setwd() u R komandnom prozoru kako biste došli do njega i podesili ga)
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Download the data and the syntax file. | Preuzimanje (download) fajla sa podacima i sintaksnog fajla. | Details | |
Download the data and the syntax file. Preuzimanje (download) fajla sa podacima i sintaksnog fajla.
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Instructions for the impatient | Uputstva za nestrpljive | Details | |
Step 2: | Korak 2: | Details | |
Step 1: | Korak 1: | Details | |
Data selection: | Izbor podataka : | Details | |
Export data | Izvesti podatke | Details | |
Details | |||
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