Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Delete label sets | Obriši set labela | Details | |
Set survey group | Podesi anketnu grupu | Details | |
Select date | Odaberi datum | Details | |
Register 2FA Method | Registruj 2FA metod | Details | |
Language code is invalid in this survey | Kod jezika je neispravan u ovoj anketi | Details | |
Language code is invalid in this survey Kod jezika je neispravan u ovoj anketi
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You have exceeded the number of maximum access code validation attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. | Prekoračili ste maksimalan broj pokušaja unosa pristupnog koda. Molim sačekajte %d minuta pre nego što pokušate ponovo. | Details | |
You have exceeded the number of maximum access code validation attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. Prekoračili ste maksimalan broj pokušaja unosa pristupnog koda. Molim sačekajte %d minuta pre nego što pokušate ponovo.
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Access code: | Pristupni kod: | Details | |
There is 1 question in this survey. | U ovoj anketi ima 1 pitanje. | Details | |
There is 1 question in this survey. U ovoj anketi ima 1 pitanje.
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There are %s questions in this survey. | U ovoj anketim ima %s pitanja. | Details | |
There are %s questions in this survey. U ovoj anketim ima %s pitanja.
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if: | ako: | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete all conditions for this question? | Da li sigurno želite da obrišete sve uslove za ovo pitanje? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete all conditions for this question? Da li sigurno želite da obrišete sve uslove za ovo pitanje?
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Condition updated. | Uslov ažuriran. | Details | |
Could not update condition. | Nije moguće ažurirati uslove. | Details | |
Could not update condition. Nije moguće ažurirati uslove.
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Condition added. | Uslov dodat. | Details | |
Could not insert all conditions. | Nije moguće uneti sve uslove. | Details | |
Could not insert all conditions. Nije moguće uneti sve uslove.
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