Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Only answer this if the following conditions are met: | Odgovoriti na ovo samo ako su ispunjeni sledeći uslovi: | Details | |
Only answer this if the following conditions are met: Odgovoriti na ovo samo ako su ispunjeni sledeći uslovi:
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Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): | Ponovo učitajte Vašu anketu kliktanjem na sledeći link (ili ubacivanjem linka u Vaš pretraživač): | Details | |
Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): Ponovo učitajte Vašu anketu kliktanjem na sledeći link (ili ubacivanjem linka u Vaš pretraživač):
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Password | Lozinka | Details | |
Saved Survey Details | Detalji sačuvane ankete | Details | |
Success | Uspešno | Details | |
Your passwords do not match. | Vaše lozinke se ne poklapaju. | Details | |
Your passwords do not match. Vaše lozinke se ne poklapaju.
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You must supply a password for this saved session. | Morate obezbediti lozinku za ovu sačuvanu sesiju. | Details | |
You must supply a password for this saved session. Morate obezbediti lozinku za ovu sačuvanu sesiju.
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You must supply a name for this saved session. | Morate obezbediti korisničko ime za ovu sačuvanu sesiju. | Details | |
You must supply a name for this saved session. Morate obezbediti korisničko ime za ovu sačuvanu sesiju.
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This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. | Ova anketa koristi anonimne odgovore, što znači da ne možete ažurirati odgovore. | Details | |
This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. Ova anketa koristi anonimne odgovore, što znači da ne možete ažurirati odgovore.
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Edit this entry | Izmeniti ovaj unos | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it | Da biste ažurirali, izaberite sledeći link | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it Da biste ažurirali, izaberite sledeći link
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Please choose | Molimo izaberite | Details | |
Data entry | Unos podataka | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. | %s starih odgovora i pripadajućih vremena je uspešno uvezeno. | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. %s starih odgovora i pripadajućih vremena je uspešno uvezeno.
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%s old response(s) were successfully imported. | %s starih odgovora uspešno je uvezeno. | Details | |
%s old response(s) were successfully imported. %s starih odgovora uspešno je uvezeno.
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