Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
If necessary the database will be updated. | Jekk hemm bżonn, id-database jkun aġġornat. | Details | |
If necessary the database will be updated. Jekk hemm bżonn, id-database jkun aġġornat.
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New files will be downloaded and installed. | Fajls ġodda se jkunu ddawnlowdjati u installati | Details | |
New files will be downloaded and installed. Fajls ġodda se jkunu ddawnlowdjati u installati
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Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. | L-installazzjoni tal-LimeSurvey tiegħek hija ċċekkjata jekk l-aġġornament jista' jirranja b'suċċess. | Details | |
Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. L-installazzjoni tal-LimeSurvey tiegħek hija ċċekkjata jekk l-aġġornament jista' jirranja b'suċċess.
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The following steps will be done by this update: | Il-passi li ġejjin iseħħu b'dan l-aġġornament: | Details | |
The following steps will be done by this update: Il-passi li ġejjin iseħħu b'dan l-aġġornament:
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The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. | Il-LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate huwa proċedura faċli sabiex taġġorna malajr l-aħħar verżjoni tal-LimeSurvey. | Details | |
The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. Il-LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate huwa proċedura faċli sabiex taġġorna malajr l-aħħar verżjoni tal-LimeSurvey.
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Buildnumber was successfully updated to %s. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
There was a problem downloading the update file. Please try to restart the update process. | Kien hemm problema sabiex tiddawnlowdja l-fajl tal-aġġornament. Jekk jogħġbok erġa' ibda l-proċess tal-aġġornament. | Details | |
There was a problem downloading the update file. Please try to restart the update process. Kien hemm problema sabiex tiddawnlowdja l-fajl tal-aġġornament. Jekk jogħġbok erġa' ibda l-proċess tal-aġġornament.
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New files were successfully installed. | Fajls ġodda ġew installati b'suċċess. | Details | |
New files were successfully installed. Fajls ġodda ġew installati b'suċċess.
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Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step. | Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja għal xi problemi hawn fuq, imbagħad kompli għall-pass tal-aħħar. | Details | |
Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step. Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja għal xi problemi hawn fuq, imbagħad kompli għall-pass tal-aħħar.
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Creating file backup | Qed jinħoloq fajl ta' backup... | Details | |
The following files will be modified or deleted but were already modified by someone else. | Dawn il-fajls li ġejjin kellhom jinbidlu jew jitħassru iżda diġa' ġew mibdula minn xi ħadd ieħor. | Details | |
The following files will be modified or deleted but were already modified by someone else. Dawn il-fajls li ġejjin kellhom jinbidlu jew jitħassru iżda diġa' ġew mibdula minn xi ħadd ieħor.
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Checking existing LimeSurvey files... | Il-fajls tal-LimeSurvey li jeżistu qed jiġu ċċekkjati... | Details | |
Checking existing LimeSurvey files... Il-fajls tal-LimeSurvey li jeżistu qed jiġu ċċekkjati...
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Update server busy | Is-server tal-aġġornament għandu wisq xogħol bħalissa | Details | |
Update server busy Is-server tal-aġġornament għandu wisq xogħol bħalissa
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Your update key is invalid and was removed. | Il-key aġġornata tiegħek hija invalida u ġiet mneħħija. | Details | |
Your update key is invalid and was removed. Il-key aġġornata tiegħek hija invalida u ġiet mneħħija.
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On requesting the update information from there has been an error: | Kien hemm xi żball meta staqsejt għal xi informazzjoni dwar l-aġġornament minn fuq | Details | |
On requesting the update information from there has been an error: Kien hemm xi żball meta staqsejt għal xi informazzjoni dwar l-aġġornament minn fuq
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