Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Languages | Tungumál | Details | |
Survey import summary | Niðurstöður innflutnings könnunar. | Details | |
Survey import summary Niðurstöður innflutnings könnunar.
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Save timings | Vista tímatöku? | Details | |
Save referrer URL | Vista tilvísað veffang (URL)? | Details | |
Save IP address | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Date stamp | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The survey cannot be activated until these problems have been resolved. | Ekki er hægt að virkja könnunina fyrr en vandamál hafa verið leyst. | Details | |
The survey cannot be activated until these problems have been resolved. Ekki er hægt að virkja könnunina fyrr en vandamál hafa verið leyst.
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The following problems have been found: | Eftirfarandi vandamál hafa fundist: | Details | |
The following problems have been found: Eftirfarandi vandamál hafa fundist:
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Survey does not pass consistency check | Könnun stóðst ekki kröfur | Details | |
Survey does not pass consistency check Könnun stóðst ekki kröfur
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Questions with conditions to this group | Spurningar með skilyrðum í þessum flokk | Details | |
Questions with conditions to this group Spurningar með skilyrðum í þessum flokk
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Add new question to group | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Disabled | Afvirkja | Details | |
Preview question | Fyrri spurning | Details | |
Question: | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Impossible to delete this group because there is at least one question having a condition on its content | Ekki hægt að eyða þessum flokk þar sem að minnsta kosti ein spurning hefur skilyrði á innihaldi. | Details | |
Impossible to delete this group because there is at least one question having a condition on its content Ekki hægt að eyða þessum flokk þar sem að minnsta kosti ein spurning hefur skilyrði á innihaldi.
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