Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This is the structure view of your survey. Here you can see all your groups and questions. | Ini adalah tampilan struktur survei Anda. Di sini Anda dapat melihat semua grup dan pertanyaan Anda. | Details | |
This is the structure view of your survey. Here you can see all your groups and questions. Ini adalah tampilan struktur survei Anda. Di sini Anda dapat melihat semua grup dan pertanyaan Anda.
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The survey structure | Struktur survei | Details | |
The top bar | Bilah atas | Details | |
The settings tab with the survey menu | Tab pengaturan dengan menu survei | Details | |
The settings tab with the survey menu Tab pengaturan dengan menu survei
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The sidebar | Bilah sisi | Details | |
Now save your survey | Sekarang simpan survei Anda | Details | |
The end message | Pesan akhir | Details | |
The welcome message | Pesan sambutan | Details | |
Create a sample question and question group | Buat contoh pertanyaan dan grup pertanyaan | Details | |
Create a sample question and question group Buat contoh pertanyaan dan grup pertanyaan
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The survey description | Deskripsi survei | Details | |
The survey title | Judul survei | Details | |
The basic functions | Fungsi dasar | Details | |
Welcome to LimeSurvey! | Selamat datang di LimeSurvey! | Details | |
Install | Pasang | Details | |
Uninstall | Hapus instalan | Details | |
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