Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Export responses | Ekspor tanggapan | Details | |
Set equation value | Tetapkan nilai persamaan | Details | |
Start database upgrade | Mulai peningkatan basis data | Details | |
Please first update to Version 2.6.4 or any later 2.x version before you update to Version 3.x. | Harap perbarui terlebih dahulu ke Versi 2.6.4 atau versi 2.x yang lebih baru sebelum Anda memperbarui ke Versi 3.x. | Details | |
Please first update to Version 2.6.4 or any later 2.x version before you update to Version 3.x. Harap perbarui terlebih dahulu ke Versi 2.6.4 atau versi 2.x yang lebih baru sebelum Anda memperbarui ke Versi 3.x.
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You will not be able to update because your previous LimeSurvey version is too old. | Anda tidak akan dapat memperbarui karena versi LimeSurvey Anda sebelumnya terlalu lama. | Details | |
You will not be able to update because your previous LimeSurvey version is too old. Anda tidak akan dapat memperbarui karena versi LimeSurvey Anda sebelumnya terlalu lama.
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Search (3 characters minimum) | Cari (minimal 3 karakter) | Details | |
Search (3 characters minimum) Cari (minimal 3 karakter)
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New menu entry | Entri menu baru | Details | |
New menu | Menu baru | Details | |
Error: | Kesalahan: | Details | |
Share this link | Bagikan tautan ini | Details | |
Activation settings | Pengaturan aktivasi | Details | |
Finally, activate your survey | Terakhir, aktifkan survei Anda | Details | |
Finally, activate your survey Terakhir, aktifkan survei Anda
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Easy navigation with the "breadcrumbs" | Navigasi mudah dengan "breadcrumb" | Details | |
Easy navigation with the "breadcrumbs" Navigasi mudah dengan "breadcrumb"
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Now save the answer options | Sekarang simpan opsi jawaban | Details | |
Now save the answer options Sekarang simpan opsi jawaban
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Add some answer options to your question | Tambahkan beberapa opsi jawaban ke pertanyaan Anda | Details | |
Add some answer options to your question Tambahkan beberapa opsi jawaban ke pertanyaan Anda
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