Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Quote equations: | Ecuacións de cota: | Details | |
Show survey title in export PDFs: | Amosar o título da enquisa nos PDF exportados: | Details | |
Show survey title in export PDFs: Amosar o título da enquisa nos PDF exportados:
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Quote equations for CSV export | Ecuacións de cota para exportar CSV | Details | |
Quote equations for CSV export Ecuacións de cota para exportar CSV
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Filipino | Filipino | Details | |
Warning: Please enforce SSL encryption in Global settings/Security after SSL is properly configured for your webserver. | Aviso: Force a encriptación SSL en Configuración global/Seguridade despois de que o SSL estea configurado adecuadamente no servidor web. | Details | |
Warning: Please enforce SSL encryption in Global settings/Security after SSL is properly configured for your webserver. Aviso: Force a encriptación SSL en Configuración global/Seguridade despois de que o SSL estea configurado adecuadamente no servidor web.
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SSL not enforced | SSL non forzado | Details | |
Invalid parameter %s (%s already set) | Parámetro inválido %s (%s xa está activado) | Details | |
Invalid parameter %s (%s already set) Parámetro inválido %s (%s xa está activado)
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Warning: Quotes all content that starts with an equal sign to prevent CSV injections | Aviso: Entrecomille todo o contido que comece cun signo igual para previr inxeccións CSV | Details | |
Warning: Quotes all content that starts with an equal sign to prevent CSV injections Aviso: Entrecomille todo o contido que comece cun signo igual para previr inxeccións CSV
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Quote equations | Ecuacións de cota | Details | |
Sorry, unable to check extension of this file type %s. | Síntoo, non se puido validar a extensión deste tipo de ficheiro %s. | Details | |
Sorry, unable to check extension of this file type %s. Síntoo, non se puido validar a extensión deste tipo de ficheiro %s.
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Uyghur | Uyghur | Details | |
Tagalog | Tagalo | Details | |
Make sure all images on this screen are loaded before clicking on the button. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Make sure all images on this screen are loaded before clicking on the button.
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The participant cannot upload a single file larger than this size. Server configuration allow a maximum file size of %s KB. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The participant cannot upload a single file larger than this size. Server configuration allow a maximum file size of %s KB.
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An unknown error happened when moving file %s to %s. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
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