Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Our default theme for a fruity and flexible use. This theme offers single color variations | O noso tema predeterminado para un uso afroitado e flexible. Este tema ofrece variacións dunha soa cor | Details | |
Our default theme for a fruity and flexible use. This theme offers single color variations O noso tema predeterminado para un uso afroitado e flexible. Este tema ofrece variacións dunha soa cor
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Visit Bootswatch page | Visite a páxina de Bootswatch | Details | |
Based on BootsWatch Themes: | Baseado nos temas de Bootswatch | Details | |
Based on BootsWatch Themes: Baseado nos temas de Bootswatch
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User group not found. | Grupo de usuarios/as non atopado | Details | |
Label codes may only contain alphanumeric characters. | Os códigos de etiqueta só poden conter caracteres alfanuméricos | Details | |
Label codes may only contain alphanumeric characters. Os códigos de etiqueta só poden conter caracteres alfanuméricos
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You do not have permission to access this page/function. | Non ten permiso para acceder a esta páxina/función. | Details | |
You do not have permission to access this page/function. Non ten permiso para acceder a esta páxina/función.
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You don't have permission to edit this user group. | Non ten permiso para editar este grupo de usuarios/as. | Details | |
You don't have permission to edit this user group. Non ten permiso para editar este grupo de usuarios/as.
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Most likely this is a temporary problem, so please try again in 5 minutes. If the issue persists, please contact LimeSurvey support. | É probable que se trate dun problema temporal, así que tente de novo en 5 minutos. Se o problema persiste, póñase en contacto co soporte de LimeSurvey. | Details | |
Most likely this is a temporary problem, so please try again in 5 minutes. If the issue persists, please contact LimeSurvey support. É probable que se trate dun problema temporal, así que tente de novo en 5 minutos. Se o problema persiste, póñase en contacto co soporte de LimeSurvey.
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The update server is currently busy. | O servidor de actualizacións está ocupado neste momento. | Details | |
The update server is currently busy. O servidor de actualizacións está ocupado neste momento.
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Question %s was marked as "Unseen" but a value was provided. The "Unseen" status has been ignored. | A pregunta %s foi marcada como "Non vista", pero proporcionouse un valor. O estado de "Non vista" foi ignorado. | Details | |
Question %s was marked as "Unseen" but a value was provided. The "Unseen" status has been ignored. A pregunta %s foi marcada como "Non vista", pero proporcionouse un valor. O estado de "Non vista" foi ignorado.
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If the field is marked as Unseen no value should be set. | Se o campo está marcado como Non visto, non se debe establecer ningún valor | Details | |
If the field is marked as Unseen no value should be set. Se o campo está marcado como Non visto, non se debe establecer ningún valor
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Unseen | Non vista | Details | |
Unseen or not answered | Non visto ou non respondido | Details | |
Google Analytics Tracking ID may only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Google Analytics Tracking ID may only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
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You do not have sufficient permissions to update the script. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
You do not have sufficient permissions to update the script.
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