Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Survey theme: | Aspecto de enquisa: | Details | |
Batch deletion | Borrado en lotes | Details | |
Enter a list of response IDs that are to be deleted, separated by comma. | Introduza a lista de IDs de resposta que desexa borrar, separados por comas. | Details | |
Enter a list of response IDs that are to be deleted, separated by comma. Introduza a lista de IDs de resposta que desexa borrar, separados por comas.
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You do not have the permission to access this page. | Non ten permisos para acceder a esta páxina. | Details | |
You do not have the permission to access this page. Non ten permisos para acceder a esta páxina.
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The survey in which you are trying to participate does not seem to exist. | A enquisa na que tenta participar parece que non existe. | Details | |
The survey in which you are trying to participate does not seem to exist. A enquisa na que tenta participar parece que non existe.
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The above error occurred when the Web server was processing your request. | O erro anterior ocorre cando o servidor web estaba a procesar a petición. | Details | |
The above error occurred when the Web server was processing your request. O erro anterior ocorre cando o servidor web estaba a procesar a petición.
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Error %s | Erro %s | Details | |
Please contact %s to report this problem. | Contacte a %s para informar do problema. | Details | |
Please contact %s to report this problem. Contacte a %s para informar do problema.
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An internal error occurred while the Web server was processing your request. | Aconteceu un erro interno cando o servidor web estaba a procesar a petición. | Details | |
An internal error occurred while the Web server was processing your request. Aconteceu un erro interno cando o servidor web estaba a procesar a petición.
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500: Internal Server Error | 500: Erro interno do servidor | Details | |
500: Internal Server Error 500: Erro interno do servidor
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If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. | Se introduciu a URL manualmente revísea e probe de novo. | Details | |
If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. Se introduciu a URL manualmente revísea e probe de novo.
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The requested URL was not found on this server. | A URL solicitada non se atopa neste servidor. | Details | |
The requested URL was not found on this server. A URL solicitada non se atopa neste servidor.
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404: Not Found | 404: Non se atopou | Details | |
403: Forbidden | 403: Prohibido | Details | |
You must be logged in to access to this page. | Debe estar autenticado para acceder a esta páxina. | Details | |
You must be logged in to access to this page. Debe estar autenticado para acceder a esta páxina.
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