Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
No matching group | Non existen grupo coincidentes | Details | |
No matching survey | Non existen enquisas coincidentes | Details | |
No CFIELDNAME field set! | Non se estableceu campo CFIELDNAME ningún. | Details | |
No CFIELDNAME field set! Non se estableceu campo CFIELDNAME ningún.
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No matching CFIELDNAME group! | Non existen grupo CFIELDNAME coincidentes. | Details | |
No matching CFIELDNAME group! Non existen grupo CFIELDNAME coincidentes.
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No matching CQID | CQID non coincidente | Details | |
Deleting conditions: %u conditions deleted | A borrar as condicións: borráronse %u condicións | Details | |
Deleting conditions: %u conditions deleted A borrar as condicións: borráronse %u condicións
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Deleting question attributes: %u attributes deleted | A borrar os atributos de pregunta: borráronse %u atributos | Details | |
Deleting question attributes: %u attributes deleted A borrar os atributos de pregunta: borráronse %u atributos
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Deleting assessments: %u assessment entries deleted | A borrar as avaliacións: borráronse %u avaliacións | Details | |
Deleting assessments: %u assessment entries deleted A borrar as avaliacións: borráronse %u avaliacións
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Deleting answers: %u answers deleted | A borrar as respostas: borráronse %u respostas | Details | |
Deleting answers: %u answers deleted A borrar as respostas: borráronse %u respostas
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Deleting surveys: %u surveys deleted | A borrar as enquisas: borráronse %u enquisas | Details | |
Deleting surveys: %u surveys deleted A borrar as enquisas: borráronse %u enquisas
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Deleting survey languagesettings: %u survey languagesettings deleted | A borrar a configuración de idiomas da enquisa: borráronse %u configuracións de idiomas da enquisa | Details | |
Deleting survey languagesettings: %u survey languagesettings deleted A borrar a configuración de idiomas da enquisa: borráronse %u configuracións de idiomas da enquisa
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Deleting questions: %u questions deleted | A borrar as preguntas: borráronse %u preguntas | Details | |
Deleting questions: %u questions deleted A borrar as preguntas: borráronse %u preguntas
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Deleting groups: %u groups deleted | A borrar os grupos: borráronse %u grupos | Details | |
Deleting groups: %u groups deleted A borrar os grupos: borráronse %u grupos
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Group | Grupo | Details | |
Total time | Tempo total | Details | |
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