Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You must supply a password for this saved session. | Debe indicar un contrasinal para esta sesión gardada. | Details | |
You must supply a password for this saved session. Debe indicar un contrasinal para esta sesión gardada.
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You must supply a name for this saved session. | Debe indicar un nome para esta sesión gardada. | Details | |
You must supply a name for this saved session. Debe indicar un nome para esta sesión gardada.
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This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. | Esta enquisa emprega respostas anonimizadas, polo que non pode actualizar a resposta. | Details | |
This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. Esta enquisa emprega respostas anonimizadas, polo que non pode actualizar a resposta.
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Edit this entry | Editar esta entrada | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it | Prema na ligazón seguinte para actualizala | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it Prema na ligazón seguinte para actualizala
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Please choose | Por favor, escolla | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. | Aconteceu un erro ao cargar o ficheiro. Pode deberse a permisos incorrectos para o cartafol /tmp da aplicación. | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. Aconteceu un erro ao cargar o ficheiro. Pode deberse a permisos incorrectos para o cartafol /tmp da aplicación.
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Error! | Erro. | Details | |
Data entry | Entrada de datos | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. | Importáronse correctamente %s resposta(s) vella(s) coas súas temporizacións. | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. Importáronse correctamente %s resposta(s) vella(s) coas súas temporizacións.
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%s old response(s) were successfully imported. | Importáronse correctamente %s resposta(s) vella(s). | Details | |
%s old response(s) were successfully imported. Importáronse correctamente %s resposta(s) vella(s).
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Quick statistics | Estatísticas rápidas | Details | |
Import VV file | Importar un ficheiro VV | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. | Gardouse correctamente a configuración da enquisa. | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. Gardouse correctamente a configuración da enquisa.
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Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. | Non se puido actualizar a pregunta. Noutras preguntas hai condicións que descansan nas respostas a esta pregunta e cambiar o tipo ocasionaría problemas. Debe borrar estas condicións antes de poder cambiar o tipo desta pregunta. | Details | |
Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. Non se puido actualizar a pregunta. Noutras preguntas hai condicións que descansan nas respostas a esta pregunta e cambiar o tipo ocasionaría problemas. Debe borrar estas condicións antes de poder cambiar o tipo desta pregunta.
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