Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
User group | Grupo de usuarios/as | Details | |
Survey permissions | Permisos da enquisa | Details | |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title | Non se puido crear a enquisa porque non ten un título | Details | |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title Non se puido crear a enquisa porque non ten un título
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The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. | A enquisa venceu ao superarse a data de caducidade fixada na configuración da enquisa. | Details | |
The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. A enquisa venceu ao superarse a data de caducidade fixada na configuración da enquisa.
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The new question group/question order was successfully saved. | Gardouse correctamente a nova orde das preguntas/grupos de preguntas. | Details | |
The new question group/question order was successfully saved. Gardouse correctamente a nova orde das preguntas/grupos de preguntas.
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No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey | Non indicou o ID de enquisa. Non se pode copiar a enquisa | Details | |
No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey Non indicou o ID de enquisa. Non se pode copiar a enquisa
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Survey copy summary | Sumario da copia da enquisa | Details | |
Copy survey | Copiar a enquisa | Details | |
Survey structure import summary | Sumario da importación da estrutura da enquisa | Details | |
Survey structure import summary Sumario da importación da estrutura da enquisa
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Import survey data | Importar os datos da enquisa | Details | |
Survey deleted. | Borrouse a enquisa. | Details | |
This survey is currently active. | Esta enquisa está activa actualmente. | Details | |
This survey is currently active. Esta enquisa está activa actualmente.
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You do not have the Freetype Library installed. Showing charts requires the Freetype library to function properly. | Non ten instalada a Biblioteca Freetype. A funcionalidade de gráficos precisa a biblioteca Freetype. | Details | |
You do not have the Freetype Library installed. Showing charts requires the Freetype library to function properly. Non ten instalada a Biblioteca Freetype. A funcionalidade de gráficos precisa a biblioteca Freetype.
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visit for more information | visite para máis información | Details | |
visit for more information visite para máis información
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You do not have the GD Library installed. Showing charts requires the GD library to function properly. | Non ten instalada a biblioteca GD. A funcionalidade de gráficos precisa a biblioteca GD. | Details | |
You do not have the GD Library installed. Showing charts requires the GD library to function properly. Non ten instalada a biblioteca GD. A funcionalidade de gráficos precisa a biblioteca GD.
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