Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Can't connect to the LDAP directory | Non se pode conectar co directorio LDAP | Details | |
Can't connect to the LDAP directory Non se pode conectar co directorio LDAP
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We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. | Sentímolo, pero non ten permisos para facer iso. | Details | |
We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. Sentímolo, pero non ten permisos para facer iso.
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Uploading LDAP Query | Estase a Cargar a Consulta LDAP | Details | |
not having been sent an invitation already | aínda non se lles enviou unha invitación | Details | |
not having been sent an invitation already aínda non se lles enviou unha invitación
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having a valid email address | teñan un enderezo de correo válido | Details | |
having a valid email address teñan un enderezo de correo válido
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There were no eligible emails to send. This will be because none satisfied the criteria of: | Non se atoparon correos elixíbeis para o envío. Isto acontece porque ningún cumpre os criterios: | Details | |
There were no eligible emails to send. This will be because none satisfied the criteria of: Non se atoparon correos elixíbeis para o envío. Isto acontece porque ningún cumpre os criterios:
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Reminder sent to: | Enviáronse lembretes a: | Details | |
Invitation sent to: | Enviouse unha Invitación a: | Details | |
%s field(s) were successfully added. | Engadíronse %s campos correctamente. | Details | |
%s field(s) were successfully added. Engadíronse %s campos correctamente.
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Failed | Erro | Details | |
%s unread messages were scanned, none were marked as bounce by the system. | Escanáronse %s mensaxes, o sistema non marcou ningunha como rexeitada. | Details | |
%s unread messages were scanned, none were marked as bounce by the system. Escanáronse %s mensaxes, o sistema non marcou ningunha como rexeitada.
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%s unread messages were scanned out of which %s were marked as bounce by the system. | Escanáronse %s mensaxes, das que o sistema marcou %s como rexeitadas. | Details | |
%s unread messages were scanned out of which %s were marked as bounce by the system. Escanáronse %s mensaxes, das que o sistema marcou %s como rexeitadas.
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The survey you selected does not exist | A enquisa seleccionada non existe | Details | |
The survey you selected does not exist A enquisa seleccionada non existe
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This is the survey end message. | Esta é a mensaxe final da enquisa. | Details | |
This is the survey end message. Esta é a mensaxe final da enquisa.
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Submit your survey. | Enviar o cuestionario. | Details | |
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