Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Your personal settings were successfully saved. | Gardouse correctamente a configuración persoal. | Details | |
Your personal settings were successfully saved. Gardouse correctamente a configuración persoal.
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Editing user | A editar o/a usuario/a | Details | |
All of the user's surveys were transferred to %s. | Transferíronse todas as enquisas do/a usuario/a a %s. | Details | |
All of the user's surveys were transferred to %s. Transferíronse todas as enquisas do/a usuario/a a %s.
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Add user | Engadir un/unha usuario/a | Details | |
User registration at '%s' | Rexistro de usuario/a en '%s' | Details | |
User registration at '%s' Rexistro de usuario/a en '%s'
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If you have any questions regarding this mail please do not hesitate to contact the site administrator at %s. Thank you! | Se ten algunha dúbida sobre este correo, non dubide en contactar o/a administrador/a do sitio en %s. Grazas. | Details | |
If you have any questions regarding this mail please do not hesitate to contact the site administrator at %s. Thank you! Se ten algunha dúbida sobre este correo, non dubide en contactar o/a administrador/a do sitio en %s. Grazas.
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Hello %s, | Ola %s, | Details | |
A username was not supplied or the username is invalid. | Non se indicou un nome de usuario/a ou non é válido. | Details | |
A username was not supplied or the username is invalid. Non se indicou un nome de usuario/a ou non é válido.
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The email address is not valid. | O enderezo de correo non é válido. | Details | |
The email address is not valid. O enderezo de correo non é válido.
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Failed to add user | Erro ao engadir o/a usuario/a | Details | |
Question code / ID | Código de pregunta / ID | Details | |
Registration email | Correo de rexistro | Details | |
Confirmation email | Correo de confirmación | Details | |
Reminder email | Correo de lembrete | Details | |
Invitation email | Correo de invitación | Details | |
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