Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You did not provide a password. | Non achegou un contrasinal. | Details | |
You did not provide a password. Non achegou un contrasinal.
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You did not provide a name. | Non achegou un nome. | Details | |
You have already completed this survey. | Xa completou esta enquisa. | Details | |
You have already completed this survey. Xa completou esta enquisa.
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This survey is not yet started. | Esta enquisa aínda non foi comezada. | Details | |
This survey is not yet started. Esta enquisa aínda non foi comezada.
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View statistics | Ver as estatísticas | Details | |
Previous session is set to be finished. | A sesión anterior está sendo pechada. | Details | |
Previous session is set to be finished. A sesión anterior está sendo pechada.
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Failed to remove user. | Erro ao eliminar o/a usuario/a. | Details | |
User removed. | Eliminouse o/a usuario/a. | Details | |
You can not add or remove the group owner from the group. | Non pode engadir ou eliminar o/a propietario/a ao/do grupo . | Details | |
You can not add or remove the group owner from the group. Non pode engadir ou eliminar o/a propietario/a ao/do grupo .
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Group not found. | Non se atopou o grupo. | Details | |
User group successfully saved! | Gardouse o grupo de usuarios/as correctamente. | Details | |
User group successfully saved! Gardouse o grupo de usuarios/as correctamente.
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User group successfully added! | O grupo de usuarios/as engadiuse correctamente. | Details | |
User group successfully added! O grupo de usuarios/as engadiuse correctamente.
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Failed to add group! Group already exists. | Erro ao engadir o grupo. O grupo xa existe. | Details | |
Failed to add group! Group already exists. Erro ao engadir o grupo. O grupo xa existe.
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Failed to add group! Group name length more than 20 characters. | Erro ao engadir o grupo. Lonxitude do nome do grupo superior a 20 caracteres. | Details | |
Failed to add group! Group name length more than 20 characters. Erro ao engadir o grupo. Lonxitude do nome do grupo superior a 20 caracteres.
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Could not delete user group. | Non se puido borrar o grupo de usuarios/as. | Details | |
Could not delete user group. Non se puido borrar o grupo de usuarios/as.
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