Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
It uses cookies for access control. | Usa cookies para o control de acceso. | Details | |
It uses cookies for access control. Usa cookies para o control de acceso.
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Referrer URL will be saved. | Gardarase a URL de procedencia. | Details | |
Referrer URL will be saved. Gardarase a URL de procedencia.
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IP Addresses will be logged | Rexistrarase o enderezo IP das respostas | Details | |
IP Addresses will be logged Rexistrarase o enderezo IP das respostas
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Responses will be date stamped. | As respostas serán datadas. | Details | |
Responses will be date stamped. As respostas serán datadas.
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A question index will be shown; participants will be able to jump between viewed questions. | Amosarase un índice de preguntas; os/as participantes poderán saltar entre as preguntas xa vistas. | Details | |
A question index will be shown; participants will be able to jump between viewed questions. Amosarase un índice de preguntas; os/as participantes poderán saltar entre as preguntas xa vistas.
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No question index will be shown with this format. | Non se amosará ningún índice de preguntas con este formato. | Details | |
No question index will be shown with this format. Non se amosará ningún índice de preguntas con este formato.
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It is presented on one single page. | Presentadas nunha páxina única. | Details | |
It is presented on one single page. Presentadas nunha páxina única.
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It is presented group by group. | Presentadas grupo por grupo. | Details | |
It is presented group by group. Presentadas grupo por grupo.
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It is presented question by question. | Presentadas pregunta por pregunta. | Details | |
It is presented question by question. Presentadas pregunta por pregunta.
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Responses to this survey are NOT anonymized. | As respostas desta enquisa NON son anónimas. | Details | |
Responses to this survey are NOT anonymized. As respostas desta enquisa NON son anónimas.
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Responses to this survey are anonymized. | As respostas desta enquisa son anónimas. | Details | |
Responses to this survey are anonymized. As respostas desta enquisa son anónimas.
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None | Ningún | Details | |
Your responses were successfully saved. | As respostas gardáronse correctamente. | Details | |
Your responses were successfully saved. As respostas gardáronse correctamente.
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We are sorry but you are not allowed to enter this survey. | Sentímolo, non lle está permitido borrar este cuestionario. | Details | |
We are sorry but you are not allowed to enter this survey. Sentímolo, non lle está permitido borrar este cuestionario.
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Load unfinished survey | Continuar enquisa non finalizada | Details | |
Load unfinished survey Continuar enquisa non finalizada
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