Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Add and edit conditions | Engadir e editar condicións | Details | |
Show conditions for this question | Amosar as condicións para esta pregunta | Details | |
Show conditions for this question Amosar as condicións para esta pregunta
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Conditions designer | Deseñador de condicións | Details | |
Check again | Comprobar de novo | Details | |
Note that you cannot undo a delete if you proceed. The data will be gone. | Note que se procede non poderá desfacer o borrado . Os datos perderanse. | Details | |
Note that you cannot undo a delete if you proceed. The data will be gone. Note que se procede non poderá desfacer o borrado . Os datos perderanse.
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Delete checked items! | Borrar os ítems marcados. | Details | |
The following old participant tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: | As vellas táboas de claves seguintes existen e poden borrase se non se precisan: | Details | |
The following old participant tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: As vellas táboas de claves seguintes existen e poden borrase se non se precisan:
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The following old survey response tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: | As seguintes táboas de respostas vellas existen en poden borrarse se non as pecisa máis: | Details | |
The following old survey response tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: As seguintes táboas de respostas vellas existen en poden borrarse se non as pecisa máis:
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The redundancy check looks for tables leftover after deactivating a survey. You can delete these if you no longer require them. | A comprobación de redundancia procura táboas abandonadas despois de desactivar unha enquisa. Pode borralas se non as precisa máis. | Details | |
The redundancy check looks for tables leftover after deactivating a survey. You can delete these if you no longer require them. A comprobación de redundancia procura táboas abandonadas despois de desactivar unha enquisa. Pode borralas se non as precisa máis.
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Data redundancy check | Comprobación de redundancia dos datos | Details | |
Data redundancy check Comprobación de redundancia dos datos
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Yes - Delete Them! | Si - Borralas. | Details | |
Should we proceed with the delete? | Procedemos ao borrado? | Details | |
Should we proceed with the delete? Procedemos ao borrado?
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No database action required! | Non se require acción ningunha da base de datos. | Details | |
No database action required! Non se require acción ningunha da base de datos.
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The following old survey participants tables should be deleted because they contain no records or their parent survey no longer exists: | Deben borrarse as seguintes táboas de claves vellas porque xa non conteñen rexistros ou a súa enquisa pai xa non existe: | Details | |
The following old survey participants tables should be deleted because they contain no records or their parent survey no longer exists: Deben borrarse as seguintes táboas de claves vellas porque xa non conteñen rexistros ou a súa enquisa pai xa non existe:
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All old survey tables meet consistency standards. | Todas as táboas de enquisa vellas son consistentes. | Details | |
All old survey tables meet consistency standards. Todas as táboas de enquisa vellas son consistentes.
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