Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Existing attribute | Atributo existente | Details | |
Drop a CSV field into this area to create a new participant attribute and import your data into it. | Arrastre un campo CSV a esta área para crear un novo atributo de participante e importar nel os seus datos. | Details | |
Drop a CSV field into this area to create a new participant attribute and import your data into it. Arrastre un campo CSV a esta área para crear un novo atributo de participante e importar nel os seus datos.
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Attributes to be created | Atributos a crear | Details | |
The following additional fields were found in your CSV file. | Atopáronse os seguintes campos adicionais no arquivo CSV. | Details | |
The following additional fields were found in your CSV file. Atopáronse os seguintes campos adicionais no arquivo CSV.
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CSV field names | Nomes dos campos CSV | Details | |
Only one CSV attribute is mapped with central attribute. | Tan só se asignará un atributo CSV co atributo central. | Details | |
Only one CSV attribute is mapped with central attribute. Tan só se asignará un atributo CSV co atributo central.
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You have to pair this field with an existing attribute. | Debe vincular este campo cun atributo existente. | Details | |
You have to pair this field with an existing attribute. Debe vincular este campo cun atributo existente.
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Upload summary | Cargar un sumario | Details | |
Summary | Sumario | Details | |
Attribute management | Xestión de atributos | Details | |
Attribute type | Tipo de atributo | Details | |
Group by Group | Grupo por Grupo | Details | |
Only previous pages answers are available | Só están dispoñibles as respostas das páxinas anteriores | Details | |
Only previous pages answers are available Só están dispoñibles as respostas das páxinas anteriores
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All in one | Páxina Única | Details | |
Some questions have been disabled | Desactiváronse algunhas preguntas | Details | |
Some questions have been disabled Desactiváronse algunhas preguntas
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