Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
CSV field names | نام فیلد CSV | Details | |
Only one CSV attribute is mapped with central attribute. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Only one CSV attribute is mapped with central attribute.
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You have to pair this field with an existing attribute. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
You have to pair this field with an existing attribute.
You have to log in to edit this translation.
Upload summary | ارسال خلاصه | Details | |
Summary | خلاصه | Details | |
Attribute management | مدیریت ویژگی | Details | |
Attribute type | نوع ویژگی | Details | |
Group by Group | گروه به گروه | Details | |
Only previous pages answers are available | فقط پاسخهای صفحهٔ قبلی در دسترس است. | Details | |
Only previous pages answers are available فقط پاسخهای صفحهٔ قبلی در دسترس است.
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All in one | همه یکجا | Details | |
Some questions have been disabled | بعضی از پرسشها غیرفعال شده است. | Details | |
Some questions have been disabled بعضی از پرسشها غیرفعال شده است.
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Standard fields | فیلدهای استاندارد | Details | |
No replacement variable available for this field | هیچ متغیری برای جایگزینی این فیلد وجود ندارد | Details | |
No replacement variable available for this field هیچ متغیری برای جایگزینی این فیلد وجود ندارد
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Replace | جایگزین کردن | Details | |
Enter one label per line. You can provide a code by separating code and label text with a semicolon or tab. For multilingual surveys you add the translation(s) on the same line separated with a semicolon or tab. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Enter one label per line. You can provide a code by separating code and label text with a semicolon or tab. For multilingual surveys you add the translation(s) on the same line separated with a semicolon or tab.
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