Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Cannot delete this group because it's the only group in the survey. | Seda rühma ei saa kustutada, kuna see on küsitluses ainus rühm. | Details | |
Cannot delete this group because it's the only group in the survey. Seda rühma ei saa kustutada, kuna see on küsitluses ainus rühm.
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The question theme is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. | Küsimuse kujundus ei ühildu teie LimeSurvey versiooniga. | Details | |
The question theme is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. Küsimuse kujundus ei ühildu teie LimeSurvey versiooniga.
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Repeat password | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The current password is not correct. | Praegune parool on vale. | Details | |
The current password is not correct. Praegune parool on vale.
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Error: User was not created | Viga: kasutajat ei loodud | Details | |
%sWarning:%s Before turning on HTTPS,%s check this link.%s | %sHoiatus.%s Enne HTTPS-i sisselülitamist%s kontrollige seda linki.%s | Details | |
%sWarning:%s Before turning on HTTPS,%s check this link.%s %sHoiatus.%s Enne HTTPS-i sisselülitamist%s kontrollige seda linki.%s
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List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum token validation attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. | Loetelu IP-aadressidest, mis jäetakse maksimaalsete pääsutõendite valideerimise katsete kontrollist välja. Eraldage iga IP-aadress koma või reavahetusega. | Details | |
List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum token validation attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. Loetelu IP-aadressidest, mis jäetakse maksimaalsete pääsutõendite valideerimise katsete kontrollist välja. Eraldage iga IP-aadress koma või reavahetusega.
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List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum login attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. | Loetelu IP-aadressidest, mis jäetakse maksimaalsest sisselogimiskatsete kontrollist välja. Eraldage iga IP-aadress koma või reavahetusega. | Details | |
List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum login attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. Loetelu IP-aadressidest, mis jäetakse maksimaalsest sisselogimiskatsete kontrollist välja. Eraldage iga IP-aadress koma või reavahetusega.
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Note: This question uses a customized condition. If you create a condition using this editor the current customized condition will be overwritten. | Märkus. See küsimus kasutab kohandatud tingimust. Kui loote selle redaktoriga tingimuse, kirjutatakse praegune kohandatud tingimus üle. | Details | |
Note: This question uses a customized condition. If you create a condition using this editor the current customized condition will be overwritten. Märkus. See küsimus kasutab kohandatud tingimust. Kui loote selle redaktoriga tingimuse, kirjutatakse praegune kohandatud tingimus üle.
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File not found. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
No file was uploaded or the request exceeded %01.2f MB. | Ühtegi faili ei laaditud üles või päring ületas %01.2f MB. | Details | |
No file was uploaded or the request exceeded %01.2f MB. Ühtegi faili ei laaditud üles või päring ületas %01.2f MB.
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Note: If you customize & save this condition you will not be able to use the condition editor for this, anymore. | Märkus. Kui kohandate ja salvestate selle tingimuse, ei saa te selle jaoks enam tingimuseredaktorit kasutada. | Details | |
Note: If you customize & save this condition you will not be able to use the condition editor for this, anymore. Märkus. Kui kohandate ja salvestate selle tingimuse, ei saa te selle jaoks enam tingimuseredaktorit kasutada.
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Warning! Invalid IP addresses have been excluded from '%s' setting. | Hoiatus! Sobimatud IP-aadressid on seadest %s välja jäetud. | Details | |
Warning! Invalid IP addresses have been excluded from '%s' setting. Hoiatus! Sobimatud IP-aadressid on seadest %s välja jäetud.
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Click here to reset your password | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
If you set a password here, no email will be sent to the new user. | Kui määrate siin parooli, ei saadeta uuele kasutajale e-kirja. | Details | |
If you set a password here, no email will be sent to the new user. Kui määrate siin parooli, ei saadeta uuele kasutajale e-kirja.
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