Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Continue in open-access mode | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
If you switch to closed-access mode then this survey will only be accessible to users who provide an access code either manually or by URL. | Kui lülitute piiratud juurdepääsuga režiimile, on see küsitlus kättesaadav ainult kasutajatele, kes esitavad kas käsitsi või URL-i kaudu pääsukoodi. | Details | |
If you switch to closed-access mode then this survey will only be accessible to users who provide an access code either manually or by URL. Kui lülitute piiratud juurdepääsuga režiimile, on see küsitlus kättesaadav ainult kasutajatele, kes esitavad kas käsitsi või URL-i kaudu pääsukoodi.
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You can switch back to closed-access mode at any time. Navigate to Settings --> Survey participants and click on the 'Switch to closed-access mode' button. | Saate igal ajal lülituda tagasi piiratud juurdepääsuga režiimile. Avage jaotis Seaded -> Küsitluse osalejad ja klõpsake nuppu Lülitu piiratud juurdepääsuga režiimile. | Details | |
You can switch back to closed-access mode at any time. Navigate to Settings --> Survey participants and click on the 'Switch to closed-access mode' button. Saate igal ajal lülituda tagasi piiratud juurdepääsuga režiimile. Avage jaotis Seaded -> Küsitluse osalejad ja klõpsake nuppu Lülitu piiratud juurdepääsuga režiimile.
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Access codes will no longer be required to access this survey. | Sellele küsitlusele juurdepääsuks ei ole pääsukoodid enam vajalikud. | Details | |
Access codes will no longer be required to access this survey. Sellele küsitlusele juurdepääsuks ei ole pääsukoodid enam vajalikud.
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Deleting the participants table will switch the survey back to open-access mode. | Osalejate tabeli kustutamisel lülitub küsitlus tagasi avatud juurdepääsu režiimile. | Details | |
Deleting the participants table will switch the survey back to open-access mode. Osalejate tabeli kustutamisel lülitub küsitlus tagasi avatud juurdepääsu režiimile.
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By default, surveys are activated in open-access mode and participants don't need an invitation code. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
By default, surveys are activated in open-access mode and participants don't need an invitation code.
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The survey participants table has been deleted and your survey has been switched back to open-access mode. Participants no longer require an access code to access the survey. | Küsitluses osalejate tabel kustutati ja teie küsitlus lülitati tagasi avatud juurdepääsu režiimile. Osalejad ei vaja enam küsitlusele juurdepääsuks pääsukoodi. | Details | |
The survey participants table has been deleted and your survey has been switched back to open-access mode. Participants no longer require an access code to access the survey. Küsitluses osalejate tabel kustutati ja teie küsitlus lülitati tagasi avatud juurdepääsu režiimile. Osalejad ei vaja enam küsitlusele juurdepääsuks pääsukoodi.
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Survey participants table deleted | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Choose file to add | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The '%s' section is not available while the survey is active. | Jaotis %s pole saadaval, kui küsitlus on aktiivne. | Details | |
The '%s' section is not available while the survey is active. Jaotis %s pole saadaval, kui küsitlus on aktiivne.
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Apply survey theme | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Error: New password could not be sent to %s | Viga: uut parooli ei saanud saata %s | Details | |
Error: New password could not be sent to %s Viga: uut parooli ei saanud saata %s
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Run survey | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Some mandatory additional attributes were left blank. Please review them. | Mõned kohustuslikud lisaatribuudid jäeti tühjaks. Vaadake need üle. | Details | |
Some mandatory additional attributes were left blank. Please review them. Mõned kohustuslikud lisaatribuudid jäeti tühjaks. Vaadake need üle.
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One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. If possible, please complete them before continuing to the next page. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. If possible, please complete them before continuing to the next page.
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