Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
URL: | URL: | Details | |
Mongolian | Mongoli keel | Details | |
Deleting survey table: %s | Küsitluse tabeli kustutamine: %s | Details | |
Deleting survey table: %s Küsitluse tabeli kustutamine: %s
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Kurdish (Sorani) | kurdi (Sorani) | Details | |
This is one last sample question text - asking for some free text. | See on viimane näidisküsimuse tekst - küsitakse vabas vormis teksti. | Details | |
This is one last sample question text - asking for some free text. See on viimane näidisküsimuse tekst - küsitakse vabas vormis teksti.
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This is another sample question text - asking for number. | See on teine näidisküsimuse tekst - küsitakse arvu. | Details | |
This is another sample question text - asking for number. See on teine näidisküsimuse tekst - küsitakse arvu.
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This is a sample question text. The user was asked to enter a date. | See on näidisküsimuse tekst. Kasutajal paluti sisestada kuupäev. | Details | |
This is a sample question text. The user was asked to enter a date. See on näidisküsimuse tekst. Kasutajal paluti sisestada kuupäev.
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Third choice | Kolmas valik | Details | |
Second choice | Teine valik | Details | |
This is some help text for this question. | Abitekst selle küsimuse jaoks. | Details | |
This is some help text for this question. Abitekst selle küsimuse jaoks.
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This is a sample question text. The user was asked to pick an entry. | See on näidisküsimuse tekst. Kasutajal paluti valida kirje. | Details | |
This is a sample question text. The user was asked to pick an entry. See on näidisküsimuse tekst. Kasutajal paluti valida kirje.
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As a last step you should clear your browser cache now. | Viimase sammuna peaksid puhastama oma veebibrauseri vahemälu. | Details | |
As a last step you should clear your browser cache now. Viimase sammuna peaksid puhastama oma veebibrauseri vahemälu.
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The update is now complete! | Uuenduste tegemine on lõpetatud! | Details | |
The update is now complete! Uuenduste tegemine on lõpetatud!
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To be able to upload images or other content you have to save your survey once first. | Et saaksid pilte ja muud sisu üles laadida, pead kõigepealt salvestama ankeedi. | Details | |
To be able to upload images or other content you have to save your survey once first. Et saaksid pilte ja muud sisu üles laadida, pead kõigepealt salvestama ankeedi.
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Spanish (Chile) | Hispaania (Tšiili) | Details | |
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