Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Your update key: | Teie värskendusvõti: | Details | |
At the end of the process we'll proceed to the LimeSurvey update. | Protsessi lõpus jätkame LimeSurvey värskendusega. | Details | |
At the end of the process we'll proceed to the LimeSurvey update. Protsessi lõpus jätkame LimeSurvey värskendusega.
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Before you proceed to the LimeSurvey update, we must first update ComfortUpdate itself. | Enne LimeSurvey värskendusega jätkamist peame esmalt värskendama ComfortUpdate’i. | Details | |
Before you proceed to the LimeSurvey update, we must first update ComfortUpdate itself. Enne LimeSurvey värskendusega jätkamist peame esmalt värskendama ComfortUpdate’i.
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Your key has been updated and validated! You can now use ComfortUpdate. | Teie võti on uuendatud ja kinnitatud! Nüüd saate kasutada ComfortUpdate’i. | Details | |
Your key has been updated and validated! You can now use ComfortUpdate. Teie võti on uuendatud ja kinnitatud! Nüüd saate kasutada ComfortUpdate’i.
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Those files/directories are not writable: | Need failid/kataloogid ei ole kirjutatavad: | Details | |
Those files/directories are not writable: Need failid/kataloogid ei ole kirjutatavad:
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Write error! | Viga kirjutamisel! | Details | |
You can now continue updating your LimeSurvey Installation. | Nüüd saate jätkata oma LimeSurvey installi värskendamist. | Details | |
You can now continue updating your LimeSurvey Installation. Nüüd saate jätkata oma LimeSurvey installi värskendamist.
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ComfortUpdate has been updated! | ComfortUpdate on värskendatud! | Details | |
ComfortUpdate has been updated! ComfortUpdate on värskendatud!
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ComfortUpdate needs to be updated | ComfortUpdate vajab värskendamist | Details | |
ComfortUpdate needs to be updated ComfortUpdate vajab värskendamist
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Not enough space | Ruumi pole piisavalt | Details | |
New key | Uus võti | Details | |
Enter a new key | Sisestage uus võti | Details | |
Error while creating zip file | Viga ZIP-faili loomisel | Details | |
Your session with the ComfortUpdate server is not valid or expired. Please restart the process. | Teie seanss ComfortUpdate’i serveriga on kehtetu või aegunud. Taaskäivitage protsess. | Details | |
Your session with the ComfortUpdate server is not valid or expired. Please restart the process. Teie seanss ComfortUpdate’i serveriga on kehtetu või aegunud. Taaskäivitage protsess.
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View without the filter. | Vaade ilma filtrita. | Details | |
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