Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
A table of subquestions on each cell. The subquestion texts are in the colum header and concern the row header. | Iga lahtri alamküsimuste tabel. Alamküsimuste tekstid asuvad veerupäises ja käivad reapäise kohta. | Details | |
A table of subquestions on each cell. The subquestion texts are in the colum header and concern the row header. Iga lahtri alamküsimuste tabel. Alamküsimuste tekstid asuvad veerupäises ja käivad reapäise kohta.
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A security update is available. | Saadaval on turbevärskendus. | Details | |
A security update is available. Saadaval on turbevärskendus.
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Please select from %s to %s answers. | Palun vali %s kuni %s vastust. | Details | |
Please select from %s to %s answers. Palun vali %s kuni %s vastust.
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Please fill in from %s to %s answers. | Palun sisesta vastused alates %s kuni %s. | Details | |
Please fill in from %s to %s answers. Palun sisesta vastused alates %s kuni %s.
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Upload a file (maximum size: %d MB): | Lae üles fail (maksimaalne suurus: %d MB): | Details | |
Upload a file (maximum size: %d MB): Lae üles fail (maksimaalne suurus: %d MB):
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Skipped files: | Vahele jäetud faile: | Details | |
Imported files: | Imporditud faile: | Details | |
Files skipped: | Vahele jäetud faile: | Details | |
Files imported: | Imporditud faile: | Details | |
Select survey structure file (*.lss, *.txt) or survey archive (*.lsa) (maximum file size: %01.2f MB) | Valige küsitluse struktuurifail (*.lss, *.txt) või küsitluse arhiiv (*.lsa) (fail max suurus: %01.2f MB) | Details | |
Select survey structure file (*.lss, *.txt) or survey archive (*.lsa) (maximum file size: %01.2f MB) Valige küsitluse struktuurifail (*.lss, *.txt) või küsitluse arhiiv (*.lsa) (fail max suurus: %01.2f MB)
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Select question file (*.lsq): | Vali küsimuse fail (*.lsq): | Details | |
Select question file (*.lsq): Vali küsimuse fail (*.lsq):
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Delete table | Kustuta tabel | Details | |
You can use operators in the search filters (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = ) | Otsingufiltrites saab kasutada operaatoreid (nt >, <, >=, <=, =) | Details | |
You can use operators in the search filters (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = ) Otsingufiltrites saab kasutada operaatoreid (nt >, <, >=, <=, =)
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Convert resource links and expression fields? | Kas soovite teisendada ressursilingid ja avaldiseväljad? | Details | |
Convert resource links and expression fields? Kas soovite teisendada ressursilingid ja avaldiseväljad?
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Deleted | Kustutatud | Details | |
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