Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Are you sure you want to delete the selected responses? | Oled sa kindel, et soovid kustutada oma valitud vastused? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete the selected responses? Oled sa kindel, et soovid kustutada oma valitud vastused?
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Extended | Laiendatud | Details | |
Please select at least one item | Palun vali vähemalt üks vastus | Details | |
Please select at least one item Palun vali vähemalt üks vastus
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CSS class(es): | CSS-i klass(id): | Details | |
Set CSS class | Määra CSS-i klass | Details | |
Unknown error while reading the file, no survey created. | Faili lugemisel ilmnes tundmatu tõrge, küsitlust ei loodud. | Details | |
Unknown error while reading the file, no survey created. Faili lugemisel ilmnes tundmatu tõrge, küsitlust ei loodud.
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You do not have the required ZIP library installed in PHP. | Teil pole PHP-sse installitud vajalikku ZIP-teeki. | Details | |
You do not have the required ZIP library installed in PHP. Teil pole PHP-sse installitud vajalikku ZIP-teeki.
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You do not have permission to access this page. | Sul ei ole selle lehe vaatamiseks õigusi. | Details | |
You do not have permission to access this page. Sul ei ole selle lehe vaatamiseks õigusi.
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Each answer may only be a number. | Iga vastus võib olla üksnes numbriline. | Details | |
Each answer may only be a number. Iga vastus võib olla üksnes numbriline.
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A table of subquestions on each cell. The subquestion texts are in the column header and relate the particular row header. | Iga lahtri alamküsimuste tabel. Alamküsimuste tekstid asuvad veerupäises ja on seotud konkreetse reapäisega. | Details | |
A table of subquestions on each cell. The subquestion texts are in the column header and relate the particular row header. Iga lahtri alamküsimuste tabel. Alamküsimuste tekstid asuvad veerupäises ja on seotud konkreetse reapäisega.
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After the answer options a cell does give some information. | Vastusevariantide järel annab lahter mõningast teavet. | Details | |
After the answer options a cell does give some information. Vastusevariantide järel annab lahter mõningast teavet.
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A table with a subquestion on each row. The answer options are contained in the table header. | Tabel, mille igal real on alamküsimus. Vastusevariandid asuvad tabeli päises. | Details | |
A table with a subquestion on each row. The answer options are contained in the table header. Tabel, mille igal real on alamküsimus. Vastusevariandid asuvad tabeli päises.
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Please select an answer for each combination. | Palun vali vastus igale kombinatsioonile. | Details | |
Please select an answer for each combination. Palun vali vastus igale kombinatsioonile.
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Please enter only numbers. | Palun sisesta ainult numbreid. | Details | |
Please enter only numbers. Palun sisesta ainult numbreid.
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Please check the matching combinations. | Palun märgi kõik sobivad kombinatsioonid. | Details | |
Please check the matching combinations. Palun märgi kõik sobivad kombinatsioonid.
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