Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Buy a new key | Ostke uus võti | Details | |
Seed | Seeme | Details | |
Same origin | Sama päritolu | Details | |
Allow | Luba | Details | |
IFrame embedding allowed: | IFrame’i manustamine lubatud: | Details | |
IFrame embedding allowed: IFrame’i manustamine lubatud:
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'time' is a reserved word and can not be used for a subquestion. | 'time' on reserveeritud sõna ja seda ei saa alamküsimuses kasutada. | Details | |
'time' is a reserved word and can not be used for a subquestion. 'time' on reserveeritud sõna ja seda ei saa alamküsimuses kasutada.
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Automatically rename question code if already exists? | Kas nimetada küsimusekood automaatselt ümber, kui see on juba olemas? | Details | |
Automatically rename question code if already exists? Kas nimetada küsimusekood automaatselt ümber, kui see on juba olemas?
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Your new survey was created. We also created a first question group and an example question for you. | Teie uus küsitlus on loodud. Lõime teile ka esimese küsimusterühma ja näidisküsimuse. | Details | |
Your new survey was created. We also created a first question group and an example question for you. Teie uus küsitlus on loodud. Lõime teile ka esimese küsimusterühma ja näidisküsimuse.
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Your answer to the security question was not correct - please try again. | Sinu vastus turvaküsimusele ei olnud õige - palun proovi uuesti | Details | |
Your answer to the security question was not correct - please try again. Sinu vastus turvaküsimusele ei olnud õige - palun proovi uuesti
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To participate in this restricted survey, you need a valid access code. | Vajate selles piiratud juurdepääsuga küsitluses osalemiseks õiget pääsukoodi. | Details | |
To participate in this restricted survey, you need a valid access code. Vajate selles piiratud juurdepääsuga küsitluses osalemiseks õiget pääsukoodi.
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Before you start, please prove you are human. | Enne, kui alustame palun kinnita, et oled inimene. | Details | |
Before you start, please prove you are human. Enne, kui alustame palun kinnita, et oled inimene.
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Reload image | Lae pilt uuesti | Details | |
Last name: | Perekonnanimi: | Details | |
First name: | Eesnimi: | Details | |
Your new password was not saved because the passwords did not match. | Teie uut parooli ei salvestatud, kuna paroolid ei kattunud. | Details | |
Your new password was not saved because the passwords did not match. Teie uut parooli ei salvestatud, kuna paroolid ei kattunud.
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