Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Something went wrong! | Midagi läks valesti! | Details | |
Visible: | Nähtav: | Details | |
Error when saving %s for plugin %s | Tõrge %s salvestamisel pistikprogrammi %s jaoks | Details | |
Error when saving %s for plugin %s Tõrge %s salvestamisel pistikprogrammi %s jaoks
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Kirundi | Rundi | Details | |
Plugin %s didn't exist, settings not imported | Pistikprogrammi %s ei olnud olemas, seega seadeid ei imporditud | Details | |
Plugin %s didn't exist, settings not imported Pistikprogrammi %s ei olnud olemas, seega seadeid ei imporditud
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Error: Cannot purge files for a survey that is not deleted. Please delete the survey normally in the survey view. | Viga: kustutamata küsitluse faile ei saa eemaldada. Kustutage küsitlus tavapärasel viisil küsitlusevaates. | Details | |
Error: Cannot purge files for a survey that is not deleted. Please delete the survey normally in the survey view. Viga: kustutamata küsitluse faile ei saa eemaldada. Kustutage küsitlus tavapärasel viisil küsitlusevaates.
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Modify | Muuda | Details | |
Depending on the number of uploaded files, this might take some time. | Sõltuvalt üleslaaditud failide arvust võib see aega võtta. | Details | |
Depending on the number of uploaded files, this might take some time. Sõltuvalt üleslaaditud failide arvust võib see aega võtta.
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Storage | Salvestamine | Details | |
Your new password was not saved because the old password was wrong. | Teie uut parooli ei salvestatud, kuna vana parool oli vale. | Details | |
Your new password was not saved because the old password was wrong. Teie uut parooli ei salvestatud, kuna vana parool oli vale.
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Your new password was not saved because it matches the old password. | Teie uut parooli ei salvestatud, kuna see kattub vana parooliga. | Details | |
Your new password was not saved because it matches the old password. Teie uut parooli ei salvestatud, kuna see kattub vana parooliga.
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After confirmation you won't receive any invitations or reminders for this survey anymore. | Pärast kinnitamist ei saa te selle küsitluse kohta enam kutseid ega meeldetuletusi. | Details | |
After confirmation you won't receive any invitations or reminders for this survey anymore. Pärast kinnitamist ei saa te selle küsitluse kohta enam kutseid ega meeldetuletusi.
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Please confirm that you want to opt out of this survey by clicking the button below. | Kinnitage, et soovite sellest küsitlusest loobuda, klõpsates allolevat nuppu. | Details | |
Please confirm that you want to opt out of this survey by clicking the button below. Kinnitage, et soovite sellest küsitlusest loobuda, klõpsates allolevat nuppu.
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I confirm | Kinnitan | Details | |
Survey display mode is set to %s: | Küsitluse kuvarežiimiks on määratud %s: | Details | |
Survey display mode is set to %s: Küsitluse kuvarežiimiks on määratud %s:
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