Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Add survey group ID to link | Lisa lingile küsitluserühma ID | Details | |
Add survey group ID to link Lisa lingile küsitluserühma ID
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Add SurveyId to link | Lisa lingile SurveyId | Details | |
Load with pjax | Laadi pjaxiga | Details | |
External Link | Väline link | Details | |
If the external-option is not set, this will be appended to the current admin url. | Kui välist valikut pole määratud, lisatakse see praegusele administraatori URL-ile. | Details | |
If the external-option is not set, this will be appended to the current admin url. Kui välist valikut pole määratud, lisatakse see praegusele administraatori URL-ile.
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This will be shown when hovering over the menu. | Seda näidatakse menüü kohal hõljutades. | Details | |
This will be shown when hovering over the menu. Seda näidatakse menüü kohal hõljutades.
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Montenegrin | Montenegro | Details | |
Strip HTML code: | Puhasta HTML-kood: | Details | |
If you want to apply original theme options, click here: | Kui soovite rakendada algseid kujundusevalikuid, klõpsake siin: | Details | |
If you want to apply original theme options, click here: Kui soovite rakendada algseid kujundusevalikuid, klõpsake siin:
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Theme options differences | Kujundusevalikute erinevused | Details | |
Warning: There are some differences between current theme options and original theme options! | Hoiatus! Praeguste ja algsete kujundusevalikute vahel on mõningaid erinevusi! | Details | |
Warning: There are some differences between current theme options and original theme options! Hoiatus! Praeguste ja algsete kujundusevalikute vahel on mõningaid erinevusi!
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Warning: original survey theme doesn't exist! | Hoiatus! Algset küsitluse kujundust pole olemas! | Details | |
Warning: original survey theme doesn't exist! Hoiatus! Algset küsitluse kujundust pole olemas!
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Themes: | Kujundused: | Details | |
This will update the survey theme for all selected active surveys. | See värskendab kõigi valitud aktiivsete küsitluste kujundust. | Details | |
This will update the survey theme for all selected active surveys. See värskendab kõigi valitud aktiivsete küsitluste kujundust.
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Enter a list of response IDs that are to be deleted, separated by comma. | Sisestage kustutatavate vastuse ID-de loend komaeraldusega. | Details | |
Enter a list of response IDs that are to be deleted, separated by comma. Sisestage kustutatavate vastuse ID-de loend komaeraldusega.
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