Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. | Te ei saa muuta oma vastuseid kuna ankeet on anonüümne. | Details | |
This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. Te ei saa muuta oma vastuseid kuna ankeet on anonüümne.
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Edit this entry | Muuda seda kirjet | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it | Klikkige järgneval lingil selle uuendamiseks | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it Klikkige järgneval lingil selle uuendamiseks
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There is already a recorded answer for this access code | Selle pääsukoodiga on juba salvestatud vastus olemas | Details | |
There is already a recorded answer for this access code Selle pääsukoodiga on juba salvestatud vastus olemas
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Please choose | Palun valige | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. | Faili üleslaadimisel ilmnes tõrge. Selle põhjuseks võivad olla rakendusekausta /tmp valed õigused. | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. Faili üleslaadimisel ilmnes tõrge. Selle põhjuseks võivad olla rakendusekausta /tmp valed õigused.
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This is a closed-access survey, so you must supply a access code. Please contact the administrator for assistance. | See on piiratud juurdepääsuga küsitlus, seega peate sisestama pääsukoodi. Abi saamiseks võtke ühendust administraatoriga. | Details | |
This is a closed-access survey, so you must supply a access code. Please contact the administrator for assistance. See on piiratud juurdepääsuga küsitlus, seega peate sisestama pääsukoodi. Abi saamiseks võtke ühendust administraatoriga.
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Data entry | Andmesisestus | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. | %s vana(d) vastus(t) ja vastavad ajad on edukalt imporditud. | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. %s vana(d) vastus(t) ja vastavad ajad on edukalt imporditud.
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%s old response(s) were successfully imported. | %s vana vastus(t) on edukalt imporditud. | Details | |
%s old response(s) were successfully imported. %s vana vastus(t) on edukalt imporditud.
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Quick statistics | Kiire statistika | Details | |
Import VV file | Impordi VV fail | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. | Ankeedi seaded salvestati edukalt. | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. Ankeedi seaded salvestati edukalt.
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Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. | Küsimust ei saadud uuendada. Esineb tingimusi teistele küsimustele, mis toetuvad antud küsimuse vastustele ja tüübivahetus võib tekitada probleeme. Peate kustutama need tingimused enne, kui saate antud küsimuse tüüpi muuta. | Details | |
Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. Küsimust ei saadud uuendada. Esineb tingimusi teistele küsimustele, mis toetuvad antud küsimuse vastustele ja tüübivahetus võib tekitada probleeme. Peate kustutama need tingimused enne, kui saate antud küsimuse tüüpi muuta.
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Question could not be created. | Küsimust ei olnud võimalik luua. | Details | |
Question could not be created. Küsimust ei olnud võimalik luua.
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