Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Count stats for each question based only on the total number of responses for which the question was displayed | Iga küsimuse loendusstatistika, mis põhineb ainult nende vastuste koguarvul, mille puhul küsimus kuvati | Details | |
Count stats for each question based only on the total number of responses for which the question was displayed Iga küsimuse loendusstatistika, mis põhineb ainult nende vastuste koguarvul, mille puhul küsimus kuvati
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View summary of all available fields: | Kuva kõigi saadaolevate väljade kokkuvõte: | Details | |
View summary of all available fields: Kuva kõigi saadaolevate väljade kokkuvõte:
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Include: | Arva kaasa: | Details | |
Your data should be imported now. | Teie andmed peaks nüüd imporditama. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now. Teie andmed peaks nüüd imporditama.
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Choose 'Run/All' from the menu to run the import. | Importimiseks valige menüüst Käivita/Kõik. | Details | |
Choose 'Run/All' from the menu to run the import. Importimiseks valige menüüst Käivita/Kõik.
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Open the syntax file in SPSS in Unicode mode. | Ava süntaksifail SPSS-is Unicode’i režiimis. | Details | |
Open the syntax file in SPSS in Unicode mode. Ava süntaksifail SPSS-is Unicode’i režiimis.
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Export syntax | Ekspordi süntaksi fail | Details | |
16 or up | 16 või uuem | Details | |
SPSS version: | SPSS versioon: | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. | Teie andmed tuleks nüüd iportida, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. Teie andmed tuleks nüüd iportida, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss.
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Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) | Salvesta mõlemad R töökataloogi (kasuta getwd() ja setwd() R käsuaknas command, et seda küsida ja määrata) | Details | |
Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) Salvesta mõlemad R töökataloogi (kasuta getwd() ja setwd() R käsuaknas command, et seda küsida ja määrata)
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Download the data and the syntax file. | Lae alla andmed ja süntaksifail. | Details | |
Download the data and the syntax file. Lae alla andmed ja süntaksifail.
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Instructions for the impatient | Juhend kannatamatutele | Details | |
Step 2: | Samm 2: | Details | |
Step 1: | Samm 1: | Details | |
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