Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Delete user | Kustuta kasutaja | Details | |
Everything looks alright. Please proceed to the next step. | Kõik tundub korras. Palun jätka. | Details | |
Everything looks alright. Please proceed to the next step. Kõik tundub korras. Palun jätka.
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Change log | Muuda logi | Details | |
Checking basic requirements... | Üldiste nõuete kontrollimine... | Details | |
Checking basic requirements... Üldiste nõuete kontrollimine...
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If necessary the database will be updated. | Kui vaja, siis andmebaasi uuendatakse. | Details | |
If necessary the database will be updated. Kui vaja, siis andmebaasi uuendatakse.
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New files will be downloaded and installed. | Uued failid laetakse alla ja paigaldatakse. | Details | |
New files will be downloaded and installed. Uued failid laetakse alla ja paigaldatakse.
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Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. | Sinu LimeSurvey installatsioon on kontrollitud, kas uuendust saab edukalt käivitada. | Details | |
Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. Sinu LimeSurvey installatsioon on kontrollitud, kas uuendust saab edukalt käivitada.
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The following steps will be done by this update: | Selle uuendusega tehakse järgmist: | Details | |
The following steps will be done by this update: Selle uuendusega tehakse järgmist:
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The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. | LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate on lihtne viis kiiresti uuendada LimeSurvey viimasele versioonile. | Details | |
The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate on lihtne viis kiiresti uuendada LimeSurvey viimasele versioonile.
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There was a problem downloading the update file. Please try to restart the update process. | Uuenduse allalaadimisel tekkis tõrge. Palun käivitage uuendusprotsess uuesti. | Details | |
There was a problem downloading the update file. Please try to restart the update process. Uuenduse allalaadimisel tekkis tõrge. Palun käivitage uuendusprotsess uuesti.
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New files were successfully installed. | Uued failid on edukalt paigaldatud. | Details | |
New files were successfully installed. Uued failid on edukalt paigaldatud.
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Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step. | Palun kontrolli ülevalpool näidatud probleeme ning seejärel jätka viimase osaga. | Details | |
Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step. Palun kontrolli ülevalpool näidatud probleeme ning seejärel jätka viimase osaga.
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Creating file backup | Faili varukoopia loomine | Details | |
The following files will be modified or deleted but were already modified by someone else. | Järgmised failid muudetakse või kustutatakse, kuid need on juba kellegi teise poolt muudetud. | Details | |
The following files will be modified or deleted but were already modified by someone else. Järgmised failid muudetakse või kustutatakse, kuid need on juba kellegi teise poolt muudetud.
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Checking existing LimeSurvey files... | Kontrollin olemasolevaid LimeSurvey faile... | Details | |
Checking existing LimeSurvey files... Kontrollin olemasolevaid LimeSurvey faile...
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