Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Get the integer value of a variable | Returner heltalsværdien af en variabel | Details | |
Get the integer value of a variable Returner heltalsværdien af en variabel
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Join array elements with a string | Saml array-elementer som en tekststreng | Details | |
Join array elements with a string Saml array-elementer som en tekststreng
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Conditional processing | Betingelsesbehandling | Details | |
Format a local time/date as integer | Formater en/et lokal(t) tidspunkt/dato som et heltal | Details | |
Format a local time/date as integer Formater en/et lokal(t) tidspunkt/dato som et heltal
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Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Konverter specielle HTML entities tilbage til tegn (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Konverter specielle HTML entities tilbage til tegn (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8)
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Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Konverter specialtegn til HTML entities (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Konverter specialtegn til HTML entities (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8)
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Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Konverter alle relevante tegn til HTML entities (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Konverter alle relevante tegn til HTML entities (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8)
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Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Konverter alle HTML entities til de relevante tegn (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Konverter alle HTML entities til de relevante tegn (bruger altid ENT_QUOTES og UTF-8)
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Format a GMT date/time | Formater en GMT dato/tid | Details | |
Round fractions down | Runder brøker ned | Details | |
Display numbers with comma as decimal separator, if needed | Hvis nødvendigt, vis tal med komma som decimal adskillelse | Details | |
Display numbers with comma as decimal separator, if needed Hvis nødvendigt, vis tal med komma som decimal adskillelse
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Calculates the exponent of e | Udregner eksponenten til e | Details | |
Calculates the exponent of e Udregner eksponenten til e
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Format a local date/time | Formater en lokal dato/tid | Details | |
Count the number of answered questions in the list | Tæl antallet at af besvarelser i listen | Details | |
Count the number of answered questions in the list Tæl antallet at af besvarelser i listen
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Cosine | Cosinus | Details | |
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