Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Output format: | Format di output | Details | |
No question groups found. | No a haña grupo di pregunta | Details | |
... “There are X questions in this survey” | Mustra "Tin X pregunta den e enkuesta akí" | Details | |
... “There are X questions in this survey” Mustra "Tin X pregunta den e enkuesta akí"
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Are you sure you want to delete user group '%s'? | Bo ta sigur ku bo ke eliminá e grupo di usuario akí? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete user group '%s'? Bo ta sigur ku bo ke eliminá e grupo di usuario akí?
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Are you sure you want to delete this box? | Bo ta sigur ku bo ke eliminá e bòks akí? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete this box? Bo ta sigur ku bo ke eliminá e bòks akí?
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Automatically load end URL when survey complete: | Aktualisá URL outomátikamente ora enkuesta ta kompletá: | Details | |
Automatically load end URL when survey complete: Aktualisá URL outomátikamente ora enkuesta ta kompletá:
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Create a new survey by clicking on the %s icon. | Klek riba ikono %s pa krea un enkuesta nobo | Details | |
Create a new survey by clicking on the %s icon. Klek riba ikono %s pa krea un enkuesta nobo
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Expression Engine descriptions | Diskripshon atministradó di ekspreshon | Details | |
Expression Engine descriptions Diskripshon atministradó di ekspreshon
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Some emails were not sent because the server did not accept the email(s) or some other error occurred. | Tin mensahe elektróniko ku no a manda pasobra e server no a aseptá nan òf pasobra tin otro eror | Details | |
Some emails were not sent because the server did not accept the email(s) or some other error occurred. Tin mensahe elektróniko ku no a manda pasobra e server no a aseptá nan òf pasobra tin otro eror
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An error occurred while creating a backup of your files. Check your local system (permission, available space, etc.) | Eror ora a krea bèkòp di bo failnan. Kontrolá bo konfigurashon lokal (outorisashon, espasio disponibel, etc.) | Details | |
An error occurred while creating a backup of your files. Check your local system (permission, available space, etc.) Eror ora a krea bèkòp di bo failnan. Kontrolá bo konfigurashon lokal (outorisashon, espasio disponibel, etc.)
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Your key is unknown to the update server. | Bo klave no ta konosi serka e server di aktualisashon. | Details | |
Your key is unknown to the update server. Bo klave no ta konosi serka e server di aktualisashon.
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Your update key has exceeded the maximum number of updates! | Bo klave di aktualisashon a kaduká, bo a surpasá e kantidat máksimo di aktualisashon! | Details | |
Your update key has exceeded the maximum number of updates! Bo klave di aktualisashon a kaduká, bo a surpasá e kantidat máksimo di aktualisashon!
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If some participants have a 'valid from' date set which is in the future, they will not be able to access the survey before that 'valid from' date. | Si un kódigo di akseso tin un fecha 'válido for di' den futuro, no por tin akseso na e enkuesta promé ku e fecha 'válido for di' ei. | Details | |
If some participants have a 'valid from' date set which is in the future, they will not be able to access the survey before that 'valid from' date. Si un kódigo di akseso tin un fecha 'válido for di' den futuro, no por tin akseso na e enkuesta promé ku e fecha 'válido for di' ei.
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Validate expressions in email: %s | Ekspreshon válido den mensahe elektróniko : %s | Details | |
Validate expressions in email: %s Ekspreshon válido den mensahe elektróniko : %s
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Credentials are valid, but we failed to create a user. | Kredensialnan ta válido pero no a logra krea un usuario | Details | |
Credentials are valid, but we failed to create a user. Kredensialnan ta válido pero no a logra krea un usuario
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