Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
A backup of this table will be made if you proceed. Your site administrator will be able to access this table. | Lo traha un bèkòp di e tabèl aki si bo kontinuá. E atministrador di sistema lo tin akseso na dje. | Details | |
A backup of this table will be made if you proceed. Your site administrator will be able to access this table. Lo traha un bèkòp di e tabèl aki si bo kontinuá. E atministrador di sistema lo tin akseso na dje.
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Email to {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) skipped: Access code is not valid anymore. | Mandamentu di mensahe elektróniko pa {NOMBER DILANTI} {FAM} {ADRES ELEKTRONIKO} a keda deskartá: E kódigo di akseso no ta válido mas. | Details | |
Email to {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) skipped: Access code is not valid anymore. Mandamentu di mensahe elektróniko pa {NOMBER DILANTI} {FAM} {ADRES ELEKTRONIKO} a keda deskartá: E kódigo di akseso no ta válido mas.
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Email to {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) delayed: Access code is not yet valid. | Mandamentu di mensahe elektróniko pa {NOMBER DILANTI} {FAM} {ADRES ELEKTRONIKO} a keda kanselá: E kódigo di akseso no ta válido ainda. | Details | |
Email to {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) delayed: Access code is not yet valid. Mandamentu di mensahe elektróniko pa {NOMBER DILANTI} {FAM} {ADRES ELEKTRONIKO} a keda kanselá: E kódigo di akseso no ta válido ainda.
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Participant attribute descriptions were successfully updated. | Deskripshon di atributo di kòdigo di akseso a keda aktualisá. | Details | |
Participant attribute descriptions were successfully updated. Deskripshon di atributo di kòdigo di akseso a keda aktualisá.
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You are already a participant of this survey. | Bo ta parti di e enkuesta akí kaba. | Details | |
You are already a participant of this survey. Bo ta parti di e enkuesta akí kaba.
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Allow only numerical input | Permití entrada numériko so | Details | |
Labels successfully updated | Leibelnan a keda aktualisá satisfaktoriamente | Details | |
Labels successfully updated Leibelnan a keda aktualisá satisfaktoriamente
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Open-access mode | Modo akseso liber | Details | |
This is a controlled survey. You need a valid access code to participate. | Esaki ta un enkuesta kontrolá. Bo tin mester di un kódigo di akseso válido pa bo por partisipá | Details | |
This is a controlled survey. You need a valid access code to participate. Esaki ta un enkuesta kontrolá. Bo tin mester di un kódigo di akseso válido pa bo por partisipá
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Your browser reports that it was used previously to answer this survey.↵ We are resetting the session so that you can start from the beginning. | Bo brouser ta indiká ku bo a yega di usa e enkuesta aki un biaha kaba pa kontestá pregunta. Nos ta resèt e seshon akí pa bo por kuminsá di nobo. | Details | |
Your browser reports that it was used previously to answer this survey.↵ We are resetting the session so that you can start from the beginning. Bo brouser ta indiká ku bo a yega di usa e enkuesta aki un biaha kaba pa kontestá pregunta. Nos ta resèt e seshon akí pa bo por kuminsá di nobo.
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The access code you provided doesn't match the one in your session. | E kódigo di akseso ku bo a ingresá kuné no ta koinsidí ku esun di bo seshon. | Details | |
The access code you provided doesn't match the one in your session. E kódigo di akseso ku bo a ingresá kuné no ta koinsidí ku esun di bo seshon.
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Email to %s failed. Error Message : %s | Mensahe elektróniko na %s a frakasá. Mensahe di eror: | Details | |
Email to %s failed. Error Message : %s Mensahe elektróniko na %s a frakasá. Mensahe di eror:
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Survey group permissions were successfully updated. | Pèrmit di e enkuesta a keda aktualisá | Details | |
Survey group permissions were successfully updated. Pèrmit di e enkuesta a keda aktualisá
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Edit survey permissions for user group %s | Kambia pèrmit di enkuesta pa grupo %s | Details | |
Edit survey permissions for user group %s Kambia pèrmit di enkuesta pa grupo %s
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Answers in this response | Kontestanan di e rèspòns akí | Details | |
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