Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
%s records found in CSV file | A haña %s entrada registrá den fail CSV | Details | |
%s records found in CSV file A haña %s entrada registrá den fail CSV
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No new participants were created | No a krea partisipantenan nobo | Details | |
No new participants were created No a krea partisipantenan nobo
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Can edit? | Por editá? | Details | |
Submitted | Mandá | Details | |
Last invited | Ultimo biaha ku a invitá | Details | |
Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? | Sobreskibí balornan stándart di un kampo di dato eksistente, si un partisipante ta eksistí kaba? | Details | |
Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? Sobreskibí balornan stándart di un kampo di dato eksistente, si un partisipante ta eksistí kaba?
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Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? | Sobreskibí balornan di un atributo outo-vinkulá, si un partisipante ta eksistí kaba? | Details | |
Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? Sobreskibí balornan di un atributo outo-vinkulá, si un partisipante ta eksistí kaba?
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Unmapped participant attributes | Atributo di partisipante no-vinkulá | Details | |
Unmapped participant attributes Atributo di partisipante no-vinkulá
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This attribute is automatically mapped | E atributo akí a keda vinkulá outomátikamente. | Details | |
This attribute is automatically mapped E atributo akí a keda vinkulá outomátikamente.
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Pre-mapped attributes | Atributo pre-vinkulá | Details | |
Make these mappings automatic in future | Hasi e vinkulashonnan aki outomátikamente di awor pa dilanti | Details | |
Make these mappings automatic in future Hasi e vinkulashonnan aki outomátikamente di awor pa dilanti
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Overwrite existing attribute values if a participant already exists? | Sobreskibí balor di atributonan eksistente si un partisipante ta ekistí kaba? | Details | |
Overwrite existing attribute values if a participant already exists? Sobreskibí balor di atributonan eksistente si un partisipante ta ekistí kaba?
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Existing participant attributes | Atributo di partisipante eksistente | Details | |
Existing participant attributes Atributo di partisipante eksistente
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Participant attributes to create | Atributon di partisipante pa krea | Details | |
Participant attributes to create Atributon di partisipante pa krea
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Drag this attribute to another column to map it to the central participants database | Lastra e atributo aki pa un otro kolòm pa vinkul'é ku e banko sentral di dato | Details | |
Drag this attribute to another column to map it to the central participants database Lastra e atributo aki pa un otro kolòm pa vinkul'é ku e banko sentral di dato
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