Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You should note the name(s) of the table(s) in case you need to access this information later. | Nota nòmber(nan) di e tabèl(nan), dado kaso bo tin mester di e informashon aki despues. | Details | |
You should note the name(s) of the table(s) in case you need to access this information later. Nota nòmber(nan) di e tabèl(nan), dado kaso bo tin mester di e informashon aki despues.
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Continue? | Kontinuá? | Details | |
New scenario number: | Number di senario nobo: | Details | |
This question has missing subquestions. | E pregunta aki falta supregunta | Details | |
This question has missing subquestions. E pregunta aki falta supregunta
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If the database does not yet exist it will be created (make sure your database user has the necessary permissions). In contrast, if there are existing LimeSurvey tables in that database they will be upgraded automatically after installation. | Si e banko di dato no ta eksistí ainda, lo kre'é (sòru pa e usuario tin e outorisashon nesesario). Dado kaso ku tin tabèl di "LimeSurvey" den e banko di dato, lo aktualisá nan outomátikamente despues di instalashon. | Details | |
If the database does not yet exist it will be created (make sure your database user has the necessary permissions). In contrast, if there are existing LimeSurvey tables in that database they will be upgraded automatically after installation. Si e banko di dato no ta eksistí ainda, lo kre'é (sòru pa e usuario tin e outorisashon nesesario). Dado kaso ku tin tabèl di "LimeSurvey" den e banko di dato, lo aktualisá nan outomátikamente despues di instalashon.
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By question group | Segun kada grupo di pregunta | Details | |
Regenerate question codes | Regenerá kódigonan di pregunta | Details | |
Regenerate question codes Regenerá kódigonan di pregunta
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Question codes were successfully regenerated. | E kódigonan di kontesta a keda regenerá ku éksito. | Details | |
Question codes were successfully regenerated. E kódigonan di kontesta a keda regenerá ku éksito.
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Minute | Minüt | Details | |
Hour | Ora | Details | |
Start bounce processing | Prosesá mail ku a bòns bèk | Details | |
Bounce processing is deactivated either application-wide or for this survey in particular. | A desaktivá prosesamentu di mail ku bònsbèk, sea pa henter e aplikashon aki òf spesífikamente pa e enkuesta aki. | Details | |
Bounce processing is deactivated either application-wide or for this survey in particular. A desaktivá prosesamentu di mail ku bònsbèk, sea pa henter e aplikashon aki òf spesífikamente pa e enkuesta aki.
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Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique | Hasi sierto si tur rèspòns ku no ta bashí ta úniko. | Details | |
Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique Hasi sierto si tur rèspòns ku no ta bashí ta úniko.
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Show text responses inline: | Mustra kontesta ku teksto riba mésun liña: | Details | |
Show text responses inline: Mustra kontesta ku teksto riba mésun liña:
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View response | Weta rèspòns | Details | |
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