Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Import responses | Importá kontesta | Details | |
Authentication method | Método pa outentifiká usuario | Details | |
Unlimited administration permissions | Pèrmit ilimitá komo atministrador. | Details | |
Unlimited administration permissions Pèrmit ilimitá komo atministrador.
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Superadministrator | Superatministrador | Details | |
Permission to create participants in the central participants database (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete participants from other users | Pèrmit pa krea partisipante den banko di dato sentral (pèrmit ta outomátiko) i pa weta, aktualisa i eliminá partisipante | Details | |
Permission to create participants in the central participants database (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete participants from other users Pèrmit pa krea partisipante den banko di dato sentral (pèrmit ta outomátiko) i pa weta, aktualisa i eliminá partisipante
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Permission to view and update global settings & plugins and to delete and import plugins | Pèrmit pa weta i modifiká konfigurashon global i pa eliminá i importá ekstenshon. | Details | |
Permission to view and update global settings & plugins and to delete and import plugins Pèrmit pa weta i modifiká konfigurashon global i pa eliminá i importá ekstenshon.
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Settings & Plugins | Konfigurashonnan i ekstenshonnan | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import label sets/labels | Pèrmit pa krea, weta, modifiká, eliminá, eksportá i importá leibel/sèt di leibel | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import label sets/labels Pèrmit pa krea, weta, modifiká, eliminá, eksportá i importá leibel/sèt di leibel
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Permission to create, view, update and delete user groups | Pèmit pa krea, weta, modifiká i eliminá grupo di usuario | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update and delete user groups Pèmit pa krea, weta, modifiká i eliminá grupo di usuario
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Permission to create, view, update and delete users | Pèmit pa krea, weta, modifiká i eliminá usuario | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update and delete users Pèmit pa krea, weta, modifiká i eliminá usuario
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Permission to create surveys (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete surveys from other users | Pèrmit pa krea enkuesta (ku tur outorisashon inkluí outomátikamente) i pa weta, modifiká i eliminá enkuestanan di otro usuario | Details | |
Permission to create surveys (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete surveys from other users Pèrmit pa krea enkuesta (ku tur outorisashon inkluí outomátikamente) i pa weta, modifiká i eliminá enkuestanan di otro usuario
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Section | Sekshon | Details | |
The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. | E registro di bo rèspòns, no ta kontené informashon ku por identifiká bo, a ménos ku e enkuesta ta kontené un pregunta spesífiko ku ta pidi bo pa hasi esei. | Details | |
The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. E registro di bo rèspòns, no ta kontené informashon ku por identifiká bo, a ménos ku e enkuesta ta kontené un pregunta spesífiko ku ta pidi bo pa hasi esei.
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A table with a subquestion on each row. You have to select your answer. | Un tabèl ku un suppregunta riba kada liña. Bo mester selektá un kontesta | Details | |
A table with a subquestion on each row. You have to select your answer. Un tabèl ku un suppregunta riba kada liña. Bo mester selektá un kontesta
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Choice of rank %s | Skohe e klasifikashon deseá %s. | Details | |
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