Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Plugins | Ekstenshonnan | Details | |
Too low | Demasiado pokopoko | Details | |
Minimum memory available | Memoria mínimo disponibel. | Details | |
Edit user permissions for user %s | Kambia outorisashon di usuario %s | Details | |
Edit user permissions for user %s Kambia outorisashon di usuario %s
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User ID | ID di usuario | Details | |
Delete this attribute: | Eliminá e atributo aki: | Details | |
Incremental | Inkremental | Details | |
Condition | Kondishon | Details | |
Previous answer fields | Espasio di kontesta(nan) anterior. | Details | |
Previous answer fields Espasio di kontesta(nan) anterior.
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Publish API on /admin/remotecontrol: | Publiká API riba /admin/remotecontrol:%s | Details | |
Publish API on /admin/remotecontrol: Publiká API riba /admin/remotecontrol:%s
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Session lifetime for surveys (seconds): | Durashon di seshon pa yena enkuesta (sekònde): | Details | |
Session lifetime for surveys (seconds): Durashon di seshon pa yena enkuesta (sekònde):
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Old VV version | Vershon bieu di VV | Details | |
Last VV version | Ultimo vershon di VV | Details | |
VV export version: | Vershon di VV ku por eksportá | Details | |
If you want to import survey on old installation or if your survey have problem: use old version (automatically selected if some code are duplicated). | Si bo ke importá un enkuesta den un instalashon bieu òf si bo tin problema ku bo enkuesta: hasi uso di e vershon bieu (ta keda selektá outomátikamente si tin kódigo dòbel). | Details | |
If you want to import survey on old installation or if your survey have problem: use old version (automatically selected if some code are duplicated). Si bo ke importá un enkuesta den un instalashon bieu òf si bo tin problema ku bo enkuesta: hasi uso di e vershon bieu (ta keda selektá outomátikamente si tin kódigo dòbel).
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