Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Answer must be less or equal to %s | Kontesta mester ta ménos òf igual ku %s | Details | |
Answer must be less or equal to %s Kontesta mester ta ménos òf igual ku %s
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Answer must be greater or equal to %s | Kontesta mester ta mas òf igual ku %s | Details | |
Answer must be greater or equal to %s Kontesta mester ta mas òf igual ku %s
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Title of subquestion %s was updated to %s. | Título di suppregunta %s a keda aktualisá pa %s. | Details | |
Title of subquestion %s was updated to %s. Título di suppregunta %s a keda aktualisá pa %s.
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Unlimited | Ilimitá | Details | |
You did not answer to the security question. | Bo no a kontestá e pregunta di seguridat. | Details | |
You did not answer to the security question. Bo no a kontestá e pregunta di seguridat.
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Quick-add subquestion or answer items | Anadishon rápido di suppregunta i nan kontesta | Details | |
Quick-add subquestion or answer items Anadishon rápido di suppregunta i nan kontesta
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Please fill in %s answers | Por fabor yena %s kontesta | Details | |
Please fill in at most one answer | Yena maksimalmente un (1) kontesta | Details | |
Please fill in at most one answer Yena maksimalmente un (1) kontesta
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Please fill in at most %s answers | Yena maksimalmente %s kontesta. | Details | |
Please fill in at most %s answers Yena maksimalmente %s kontesta.
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Please fill in at least one answer | Yena por lo ménos un (1) kontesta. | Details | |
Please fill in at least one answer Yena por lo ménos un (1) kontesta.
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Please fill in at least %s answers | Yena por lo ménos %s kontesta. | Details | |
Please fill in at least %s answers Yena por lo ménos %s kontesta.
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Default attribute name: | Nòmber stándart di un atributo. | Details | |
Default attribute name: Nòmber stándart di un atributo.
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There are no participants to be exported. | No tin partisipante pa eksportá. | Details | |
There are no participants to be exported. No tin partisipante pa eksportá.
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Starting in 2.05, variable names should only contain letters and numbers; and may not start with a number. This variable name is deprecated. | For di vershon 2.05 nòmber di un variabel por konsistí únikamente di lèter i sifra i nòmber di un variabel no por kuminsá ku sifra. Ta deskonsehá uso di tal variabel. | Details | |
Starting in 2.05, variable names should only contain letters and numbers; and may not start with a number. This variable name is deprecated. For di vershon 2.05 nòmber di un variabel por konsistí únikamente di lèter i sifra i nòmber di un variabel no por kuminsá ku sifra. Ta deskonsehá uso di tal variabel.
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The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. | E fail di fònt %s no ta den <limesurvey root folder>/direktorio di fònt. Por fabor revisá e fail di teksto di bo lenga den e direktorio di fònt pa bo por generá un gráfiko. | Details | |
The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. E fail di fònt %s no ta den <limesurvey root folder>/direktorio di fònt. Por fabor revisá e fail di teksto di bo lenga den e direktorio di fònt pa bo por generá un gráfiko.
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