Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Demo mode: Login credentials are prefilled - just click the Login button. | Modo demo: kredensialnan pa haña akseso ta yená kaba - djis klek riba e boton Ingresá. | Details | |
Demo mode: Login credentials are prefilled - just click the Login button. Modo demo: kredensialnan pa haña akseso ta yená kaba - djis klek riba e boton Ingresá.
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Delete one or more participants... | Eliminá un òf mas partisipante | Details | |
Delete one or more participants... Eliminá un òf mas partisipante
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Same height for all answer options | Tur opshon di kontesta riba mesun lina | Details | |
Same height for all answer options Tur opshon di kontesta riba mesun lina
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Question code %s was updated to %s. | E kódigo di pregunta % a keda aktualisá te %s | Details | |
Question code %s was updated to %s.
Warning: Missing %s placeholder in translation.
E kódigo di pregunta % a keda aktualisá te %s
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The question could not be imported for the following reasons: | No por a importá e pregunta aki pa e siguiente motibunan: | Details | |
The question could not be imported for the following reasons: No por a importá e pregunta aki pa e siguiente motibunan:
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Incomplete responses | Rèspòns inkompleto | Details | |
Full responses | Rèspòns kompleto | Details | |
Total responses | Rèspòns total | Details | |
Line %s: Fields found: %s Expected: %s | Regla %s: Kantidat di kampo di dato hañá: %s A spera: %s | Details | |
Line %s: Fields found: %s Expected: %s Regla %s: Kantidat di kampo di dato hañá: %s A spera: %s
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%s records where the number of fields does not match | %s dato registrá kaminda kontesta i espasio pa yena no ta korespondé. | Details | |
%s records where the number of fields does not match %s dato registrá kaminda kontesta i espasio pa yena no ta korespondé.
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%s were found to be duplicate entries and did not need a new participant to be created. | %s ta entrada dòbel, no ta nesesario pa krea un partisipante nobo. | Details | |
%s were found to be duplicate entries and did not need a new participant to be created. %s ta entrada dòbel, no ta nesesario pa krea un partisipante nobo.
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URL for a respondent to opt-in to this survey | URL pa un enkuestado ku a opta pa partisipá | Details | |
URL for a respondent to opt-in to this survey URL pa un enkuestado ku a opta pa partisipá
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URL for a respondent to opt-out of this survey | URL pa un kontestadó ku a opta pa kanselá su partisipashon | Details | |
URL for a respondent to opt-out of this survey URL pa un kontestadó ku a opta pa kanselá su partisipashon
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Relevance | Relevansia | Details | |
Size | Tamaño | Details | |
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