Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The address you have entered is already registered. An email has been sent to this address with a link that gives you access to the survey. | E adrès elektróniko ku bo a usa ta registrá kaba. A manda un mensahe elektróniko pa adrès akí ku un lenk ku ta duna bo akseso na e enkuesta. | Details | |
The address you have entered is already registered. An email has been sent to this address with a link that gives you access to the survey. E adrès elektróniko ku bo a usa ta registrá kaba. A manda un mensahe elektróniko pa adrès akí ku un lenk ku ta duna bo akseso na e enkuesta.
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Survey administrator %s (%s) | Atministradó di enkuesta %s (%s) | Details | |
Survey administrator %s (%s) Atministradó di enkuesta %s (%s)
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You must enter a valid email. Please try again. | Bo mester introdusí un adrès elektróniko válido. Por fabor purba di nobo. | Details | |
You must enter a valid email. Please try again. Bo mester introdusí un adrès elektróniko válido. Por fabor purba di nobo.
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The password you have chosen at the optional settings step. | E kódigo di akseso ku bo a skohe ora di konfigurashon opshonal | Details | |
The password you have chosen at the optional settings step. E kódigo di akseso ku bo a skohe ora di konfigurashon opshonal
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Try again! Creation of database failed. | Purba di nobo! No a krea banko di dato. | Details | |
Try again! Creation of database failed. Purba di nobo! No a krea banko di dato.
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Polish (Informal) | Polako (informal) | Details | |
Kyrgyz | Kyrgyz | Details | |
Do you really want to continue? | Bo ta realmente deseá di sigui? | Details | |
Do you really want to continue? Bo ta realmente deseá di sigui?
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If you replace the label set these translations will be lost. | Si bo kambia e sèt di leibel e tradukshonnan akí ta kaduká. | Details | |
If you replace the label set these translations will be lost. Si bo kambia e sèt di leibel e tradukshonnan akí ta kaduká.
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If you replace the label set the existing asssessment values will be lost. | Si bo kambia e sèt di leibel e balornan pa evaluashon fihá ta kaduká. | Details | |
If you replace the label set the existing asssessment values will be lost. Si bo kambia e sèt di leibel e balornan pa evaluashon fihá ta kaduká.
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not having already completed the survey | No a finalisá e enkuesta ainda | Details | |
not having already completed the survey No a finalisá e enkuesta ainda
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If the option -Anonymized responses- is activated only a dummy date stamp (1980-01-01) will be used for all responses to ensure the anonymity of your participants. | Si e opshon -Rèspòns anónimo- ta aktivá lo pone solamente un fecha fiktisio (1980-1-01) pa tur rèspòns, pa asina segurá anomimidat di bo partisipantenan. | Details | |
If the option -Anonymized responses- is activated only a dummy date stamp (1980-01-01) will be used for all responses to ensure the anonymity of your participants. Si e opshon -Rèspòns anónimo- ta aktivá lo pone solamente un fecha fiktisio (1980-1-01) pa tur rèspòns, pa asina segurá anomimidat di bo partisipantenan.
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You can't update question code for an active survey. | Bo no por aktualisá e kódigo di pregunta pa un ekuesta aktivo. | Details | |
You can't update question code for an active survey. Bo no por aktualisá e kódigo di pregunta pa un ekuesta aktivo.
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Your answer must be between %s and %s | Bo kontesta mester ta entre %s ku %s | Details | |
Your answer must be between %s and %s Bo kontesta mester ta entre %s ku %s
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Your answer must be %s | Bo kontesta mester ta %s | Details | |
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