Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This survey cannot be tested or completed for the following reason(s): | No por tèst òf kompletá e enkuesta akí pa e siguiente motibu(nan): | Details | |
This survey cannot be tested or completed for the following reason(s): No por tèst òf kompletá e enkuesta akí pa e siguiente motibu(nan):
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This question, by itself, does not contain any syntax errors. | E pregunta akí no tin eror di sintákisis | Details | |
This question, by itself, does not contain any syntax errors. E pregunta akí no tin eror di sintákisis
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This group, by itself, does not contain any syntax errors. | E grupo akí no tin eror di sintáksis | Details | |
This group, by itself, does not contain any syntax errors. E grupo akí no tin eror di sintáksis
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No syntax errors detected in this survey. | No a detektá eror di sintáksis den e enkuesta akí. | Details | |
No syntax errors detected in this survey. No a detektá eror di sintáksis den e enkuesta akí.
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Internal database authentication method is not allowed for this user | E método outentifikashon di banko di dato interno no ta permití pa e usuario akí. | Details | |
Internal database authentication method is not allowed for this user E método outentifikashon di banko di dato interno no ta permití pa e usuario akí.
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Error creating LDAP connection | Eror ora krea konekshon LDAP | Details | |
Error creating LDAP connection Eror ora krea konekshon LDAP
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Verify username and try again | Verifiká bo nòmber di usuario i purba di nobo | Details | |
Verify username and try again Verifiká bo nòmber di usuario i purba di nobo
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Username not found in LDAP server | No a haña nòmber di usuario den server LDAP | Details | |
Username not found in LDAP server No a haña nòmber di usuario den server LDAP
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Plugin is not active | Ekstenshon no ta aktivá | Details | |
Upload file not found. Check your permissions and path (%s) for the upload directory | No ta hañando e failnan kargá. Wak bo permit i ruta (%s) di e direktorio kargá | Details | |
Upload file not found. Check your permissions and path (%s) for the upload directory No ta hañando e failnan kargá. Wak bo permit i ruta (%s) di e direktorio kargá
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Not completed | No a kompletá | Details | |
Survey language could not be created. | No por krea lenga di enkuesta | Details | |
Survey language could not be created. No por krea lenga di enkuesta
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The requested files do not exist on the server. | No a haña e fail rekerí riba server | Details | |
The requested files do not exist on the server. No a haña e fail rekerí riba server
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Sorry, this file was not found. | Sòri, no a haña e fail akí. | Details | |
Sorry, this file was not found. Sòri, no a haña e fail akí.
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Email failed | Mensahe elektróniko a faya | Details | |
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