Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Code/text separator: | Separadó di kódigo/teksto: | Details | |
Number of characters: | Kantidat di karakter: | Details | |
'%s' can not be used if the 'Other' option for this question is activated. | No por usa %s' si opshon 'Otro' ta aktivá pa e pregunta akí. | Details | |
'%s' can not be used if the 'Other' option for this question is activated. No por usa %s' si opshon 'Otro' ta aktivá pa e pregunta akí.
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Final equation to set in database, defaults to question text. | Komparashon final pa pone den banko di data, teksto di pregunta ta bira stándart. | Details | |
Final equation to set in database, defaults to question text. Komparashon final pa pone den banko di data, teksto di pregunta ta bira stándart.
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Web server authentication method is not allowed for this user | Outentifikashon via webserver no ta permití pa e usuario akí | Details | |
Web server authentication method is not allowed for this user Outentifikashon via webserver no ta permití pa e usuario akí
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Only CSV files are allowed. | Solamente fail CSV ta permití. | Details | |
Only CSV files are allowed. Solamente fail CSV ta permití.
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Sorry, there are no files for this response. | Dispensa, no tin fail pa e rèspòns aki | Details | |
Sorry, there are no files for this response. Dispensa, no tin fail pa e rèspòns aki
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You are about to replace an existing label set with the current answer options. | Bo ta a punto di kambia un sèt di leibel eksistente pa un konhunto di opshonnnan di kontesta aktual. | Details | |
You are about to replace an existing label set with the current answer options. Bo ta a punto di kambia un sèt di leibel eksistente pa un konhunto di opshonnnan di kontesta aktual.
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The existing label set has different/more languages. | E sèt di leibel eksistente tin mas/diferente lenga | Details | |
The existing label set has different/more languages. E sèt di leibel eksistente tin mas/diferente lenga
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The existing label set has assessment values assigned. | A asigná balornan di evaluashon na e sèt di leibel eksistente | Details | |
The existing label set has assessment values assigned. A asigná balornan di evaluashon na e sèt di leibel eksistente
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This email address cannot be used because it was opted out of this survey. | No por usa e adrès elektróniko akí, pasobra e doño a opta pa bandoná e enkuesta. | Details | |
This email address cannot be used because it was opted out of this survey. No por usa e adrès elektróniko akí, pasobra e doño a opta pa bandoná e enkuesta.
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The email address you have entered is already registered and the survey has been completed. | E adrès elektróniko ku bo a usa ta registrá kaba i e enkuesta ta yená. | Details | |
The email address you have entered is already registered and the survey has been completed. E adrès elektróniko ku bo a usa ta registrá kaba i e enkuesta ta yená.
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You are registered but an error happened when trying to send the email - please contact the survey administrator. | Bo ta registrá pero tin eror ora bo manda mensahe elektróniko - Por fabor tuma kontakto ku atministrador di e enkuesta. | Details | |
You are registered but an error happened when trying to send the email - please contact the survey administrator. Bo ta registrá pero tin eror ora bo manda mensahe elektróniko - Por fabor tuma kontakto ku atministrador di e enkuesta.
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Allow invalid email addresses: | Pèrmití adrès elektróniko inválido: | Details | |
Allow invalid email addresses: Pèrmití adrès elektróniko inválido:
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%s records with other invalid information | %s entrada ku otro informashon ínvalido | Details | |
%s records with other invalid information %s entrada ku otro informashon ínvalido
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