Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Click here to use ComfortUpdate or to download it. | Klek akí pa usa òf deskargá ComfortUpodate. | Details | |
Click here to use ComfortUpdate or to download it. Klek akí pa usa òf deskargá ComfortUpodate.
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Ignore | Ignorá | Details | |
Error code: | Kódigo di eror: | Details | |
Unknown error! | Eror deskonosí! | Details | |
It seems you're using a version coming from the LimeSurvey GitHub repository. You can't use ComfortUpdate. | Ta parse ku bo ta usando un vershon di LimeSurvey prosedente di GitHub. Bo no por usa ComfortUpdate. | Details | |
It seems you're using a version coming from the LimeSurvey GitHub repository. You can't use ComfortUpdate. Ta parse ku bo ta usando un vershon di LimeSurvey prosedente di GitHub. Bo no por usa ComfortUpdate.
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No build version found! | No a haña number di revishon | Details | |
Your version is not updatable via ComfortUpdate. Please update manually. | Bo no por aktualisá bo vershon ku ComfortUpdate. Aktualisá manualmente. | Details | |
Your version is not updatable via ComfortUpdate. Please update manually. Bo no por aktualisá bo vershon ku ComfortUpdate. Aktualisá manualmente.
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Not updatable! | No por a aktualisá! | Details | |
Your version is up to date! | Bo vershon ta aktualisá! | Details | |
No update available for your version. | No tin aktualisashon disponibel pa bo vershon. | Details | |
No update available for your version. No tin aktualisashon disponibel pa bo vershon.
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Up to date! | Aktualisá! | Details | |
It seems that the ComfortUpdate server is not responding. Please try again in few minutes or contact the LimeSurvey team. | E server di ComfortUpdate no ta reakshoná. Purba bèk denter di algun minüt òf tuma kontakto ku tim di LimeSurvey. | Details | |
It seems that the ComfortUpdate server is not responding. Please try again in few minutes or contact the LimeSurvey team. E server di ComfortUpdate no ta reakshoná. Purba bèk denter di algun minüt òf tuma kontakto ku tim di LimeSurvey.
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It seems that your server doesn't support PHP CURL Library. Please install it before proceeding to ComfortUpdate. | Ta parse ku bo server no ta supòrt libreria PHP CURL. Por fabor instal'é promé ku bo sigui ku ComfortUpdate. | Details | |
It seems that your server doesn't support PHP CURL Library. Please install it before proceeding to ComfortUpdate. Ta parse ku bo server no ta supòrt libreria PHP CURL. Por fabor instal'é promé ku bo sigui ku ComfortUpdate.
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PHP_CURL library not loaded | Libreria PHP CURL no a karga | Details | |
PHP_CURL library not loaded Libreria PHP CURL no a karga
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Unable to backup your database for unknown reason. | Bèkòp di bo banko di dato a frakasá pa motibu deskonosí | Details | |
Unable to backup your database for unknown reason. Bèkòp di bo banko di dato a frakasá pa motibu deskonosí
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