Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
New UNSTABLE update available: | Un aktualisashon PA TEST ta disponibel: | Details | |
New UNSTABLE update available: Un aktualisashon PA TEST ta disponibel:
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Download this file | Deskargá e fail akí | Details | |
Remaining updates: | Aktualisashonnan restante: | Details | |
Valid until: | Válido te ku: | Details | |
Welcome to the LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate! | Bonbiní na ComfortUpdate di LimeSurvey! | Details | |
Welcome to the LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate! Bonbiní na ComfortUpdate di LimeSurvey!
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Enter your update key: | Hinka bo klave di aktualisashon: | Details | |
Enter your update key: Hinka bo klave di aktualisashon:
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If you don't have an account on, please %sregister first%s. | Si bo no tin un kuenta na, %registrá promé%s. | Details | |
If you don't have an account on, please %sregister first%s.
Warning: Missing %s placeholder in translation.
Si bo no tin un kuenta na, %registrá promé%s.
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You can get a free trial update key from %syour account on the website%s. | Bo por haña un klave di aktualisashon grátis pa bo tèst e via %s di bo kuenta serka website%s | Details | |
You can get a free trial update key from %syour account on the website%s. Bo por haña un klave di aktualisashon grátis pa bo tèst e via %s di bo kuenta serka website%s
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The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is a great feature to easily update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. To use it you will need an update key. | LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate ta un gran rekurso pa karga e último vershon di LimeSurvey di un manera fásil. Pa bo hasi esei bo mester di un klave di aktualisashon | Details | |
The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is a great feature to easily update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. To use it you will need an update key. LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate ta un gran rekurso pa karga e último vershon di LimeSurvey di un manera fásil. Pa bo hasi esei bo mester di un klave di aktualisashon
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Subscribe to ComfortUpdate! | Registrá pa ComfortUpdate! | Details | |
These files will be backed up and then replaced by the update procedure. | Lo warda e failnan akí den un bèkòp i remplasá nan ora aktualisá e programa. | Details | |
These files will be backed up and then replaced by the update procedure. Lo warda e failnan akí den un bèkòp i remplasá nan ora aktualisá e programa.
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The following files would be added by the update but already exist. This is unusual and may result from an earlier update attempt. | Mester añadí e siguiente failnan, pero nan ta eksistí kaba. Esaki ta inusual i por ta resultado di un intento previo pa aktualisá e programa. | Details | |
The following files would be added by the update but already exist. This is unusual and may result from an earlier update attempt. Mester añadí e siguiente failnan, pero nan ta eksistí kaba. Esaki ta inusual i por ta resultado di un intento previo pa aktualisá e programa.
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Required PHP modules: | Módulonan PHP rekerí: | Details | |
Note : In some hosting, like shared hosting, it can happen that the available free space is not correctly evaluated. If you checked manually that you have enough free space to update, please, just ignore this error. | Nota: Tin ora por sosodé ku durante hosting, manera shared hosting, e espasio rekeri no ta disponibel òf e no ta korektamente determiná. Si bo a chèk esaki manualmente i bo tin sufisiente espasio pa aktualisá, por fabor ignorá e mensahe di eror akí. | Details | |
Note : In some hosting, like shared hosting, it can happen that the available free space is not correctly evaluated. If you checked manually that you have enough free space to update, please, just ignore this error. Nota: Tin ora por sosodé ku durante hosting, manera shared hosting, e espasio rekeri no ta disponibel òf e no ta korektamente determiná. Si bo a chèk esaki manualmente i bo tin sufisiente espasio pa aktualisá, por fabor ignorá e mensahe di eror akí.
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Available space in directory: | Espasio disponibel den direktorio: | Details | |
Available space in directory: Espasio disponibel den direktorio:
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