Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Select icon | Selektá íkono | Details | |
Display this box to: | Mustra e bòks aki na: | Details | |
Icon: | Ikono: | Details | |
Destination URL: | Destinashon URL: | Details | |
Can't find user group! | No por haña grupo di usuario! | Details | |
Only Superadmin | Solamente Superadmin | Details | |
Some automatic fixes were already applied. | A hasi algun korekshon outomátiko kaba. | Details | |
Some automatic fixes were already applied. A hasi algun korekshon outomátiko kaba.
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Members | Miembronan | Details | |
User group ID | ID di grupo di usuario | Details | |
At the end of the process the database will be updated. | Na final di e proseso lo aktualisá e banko di data | Details | |
At the end of the process the database will be updated. Na final di e proseso lo aktualisá e banko di data
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Position: | Posishon: | Details | |
This will delete all current boxes to restore the default ones. Are you sure you want to continue? | Esaki lo eliminá tur bòks aktual i lo usa bòksnan stándart so despues. Bo ta sigur ku bo ke kontinuá? | Details | |
This will delete all current boxes to restore the default ones. Are you sure you want to continue? Esaki lo eliminá tur bòks aktual i lo usa bòksnan stándart so despues. Bo ta sigur ku bo ke kontinuá?
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Label set ID | ID di sèt di label | Details | |
Label sets list | Lista di sètnan di label | Details | |
Show last visited survey and question: | Mustra e último enkuesta i pregunta: | Details | |
Show last visited survey and question: Mustra e último enkuesta i pregunta:
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